410296 BEST COPY AVAILABLE mpeonts Wald Coumes[of ClabesCo wines oon MoavshlessLag fil, MAjJURO, 13 Sepi Heavy transicrs from other schouls, teacher shortaye end not enough classroums is making ihe Marstrall tslands Public High Schoul teel the crunch this new sthuol year, atcurding to MIHS Principal Tony Jetnil. Enrollment tor this term is aver 650, the school’s capacity of 600. feinil said he won't know the exact figure of enrollment until two weeks from now because af the many transfer students from other high schovis. Registration for transfer students continues for anuther week. jetnil said he doesn't know why the heavy transfers to MIHS “lt may be that they can't pay for cul tlons al other schools of for sume other reasons,’ he said. Whereas there were 30 students per clastoum in Previous years, this term Continued page 4 MAJURO, 13 Sept Eiupn jen yoman transfer students ak de yikul hel jen jpikul Ro jot cekommun an ubrak MIEES jlo termin phulo in, eka mos NITES Principal Tony fern. Ejjub men in wot ak etal im jabwe room in yihul iben am yabwe dt hake, jetail ear ba. yor MIHS has too many students and not enough teachers 7 4 at School year in cha! ilo MItHS ewor elon tuk jen 650 dn jihui ru. Joon ea ilo tataemaron di lun et) 600 dea yikul, feinud ear ba Jetaik ear ba ey nin alikkat oran dri sikul ige rug week jen hio kin wot aer ebbok dri gikub joss gi kul ku jet. Lale page 4 08.7% Act Volume 14, Number 73 Tuesday, September 13, 1983 Coalition meets to discuss options Kwaalein leaders who are now on Majure, will meet today to talk on their plans. He said he can’t make any cumment until after their meeting. But he said most fikely they will discuss what op- emwij an muttok dri tel ro an Kwajalein non Majuro non aer jijet iben dron im konono kin ta ko renaj kommoni kin Compact eo elane ewin, tians is there if the Compact wins. ljoke Tomeing ear ba ej- jab maron kwatok jabdrewot mae ien elkin aer konono ibe dron. Delegation to the Marshall Islands May 20 to June 4, 1983 Administrative Secretary of the Friends United Meeting and member, Board of Governors, National Council of the Churches of Christ, USA Thomas B. Cochran, Ph.D: Nuclear Physicist serving as a Senior Staff Scientist for the Natural Resources Defense Council, Washington, D.C. Baiteke Nabetari: General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of ~ Churches B. Dawid Williams, Jr.: Associate Director for Peace Issues, Na- tional Council of Churches of Christ, USA, until tecently Coordinator of the Church and Society Program, Pacific Conference of Churches Introduction L. Introduction Continuing concern expressed by the Pacific churches, through rw q ; 20545 small delegation. A final decision was made in consulta- tion with leaders of the United Church of Christ nn ' Boxes are still being counted. Less than 40% left to count Report of the World Council of Churches Chairperson: ~~ Tomeing ear kwalok ke Delegation report on Marshalls trip Team Members Kara L. Cole, ASHINGTCM, D.C. - tel ro an Coalition Party eo rainin rena; Kweclok im RKonono ki phar he der \kiten Compact-in Free Association eo, ekkar non Wotje Senator Litokwa Tomeing. Tomeing said the Coalition leaders including LIBRARY MAJURO, 13 Sept. — Dri Coalition party leaders are going fo mect tuday to fortiahate tha. plans ree —_— “- garding“the Compatt of wee" Free Association, according to Wotje Senator Litokwa Tomeing. in the Marshalls and the Roman the Pacific Conference of Chur-— Catholic Church there. The ches, plus requests from the team was hosted and its Marshall Islands caused the basic local itinerary suggested WCC to consider sending this Continued page 6 As of early Monday Morning approval of the Compact was leading by 58%. So far a total of 3,278 baliots were cast in favor of the Cumpact, while a total of 2,389 ballots were cast against the Compact. Roughiy 60% of the total vote has been counted. The major voting categories yel to be counted are the plebiscite day registrations and absentee votes. These roughly 3,500 vutes take a long time to tabuJate since each affadavit must individually be checked against the na tional registration fist be- fore the actual counting can begin. Continued page 3 MAJURO, 12 Sept. — Ro rej kweppene Compact co rej le iman kin 38%, to rainin, Monday Einwot ba yonun in 3,278 ballot rar ne Compact eo im 2,389 ballul rat nae ComPact eo. Jenan in 60% in aolepen vote emwij bwine. Men co kio renaj jino bwini ej vote ko an ro rat register ilo ran in vole eo kab absentee vote ko. Jonen in 3,500 e} janin bwinbwin im enaj a rumi, aer etale einwot ke rej aikuij etale et Ko clan ro far vote. Ho Majuro, ewor 2,368 absentee ak ro rar reyisler im vote ilo can in vote eo. lio Ebeye, ewor ,unin 555 absentee ak ro rar register im vote ilo ran in vote eo. lio KMR, ewor 403 absentee voters. Koba iben ro rej jokwe ithin Majol, ewor 3,500. Lale page 3 The BESTbuys! be AS ROBERT REIMERSAS Ph 3114 WHOLESALE Calrase RICE fancy No. 1 20lbs... 02.000... Calrose RICE 50% fancy 20!bs......2.020.~., Ph. 3119 =—_,,. ra Sept. — SEP 26 1983 RA 13 RECEIVED UL 5, BEPABTMERT OF EXEMI Ra MAJURO, 4474 Ace and 2449 Jab SN Pe Vee. The Marshallese sttd-sits outside the Miar halls voted 116 Aet and $2 Jab. Ujae voted 80 Act ued & Sab. Mason Altiery, Rep iar press sccrvfurv Says a tOvernment release will bo out later today on the ptebascite resiudlts. am | The total votes custed so far iv 3.92!)