. "y _.e * oC a . . CRUON/ > % Tie MARSHALL ISLANDS JOURNAL ts 4 dual language, Mot day ‘Prough Frida, wubticdtion OF re faba retitae Fae et & Beitr ig Gee Saubetept. cb at FAS ue year tur S ait reas tess class oan $6 OG 8 moi, bet uo yea tor onrerdapanal ait tMawe cNéons Odyabi 70 Marshall idiands Journal rope Prin Tih? Mot ces 20" te bho bbe hae Stal istdus 96 seu Aas c advertiieng rates are $2 40 14, Mair, per comma iach for auplay ads {Legal OM) and $5 9G tor classimied an4 Tre MARSHALL St aANDS IOUANA, 16 Me Successar to the orginal Publication of [%at came, as well as to tte Micronitor arg Micranesian Ingepenacnt Olrignista these namesare retamed Adin ght§ reserved Eacep’ 9 the case of standing agreoments, Guced «~ iul prigr Consent Mater! may not be repro: Editor ce ee ee Joe Murphy Reporter. 2... eee eee eee R. Akio Herne Production Le eee eee Brett Schellhase Distnbution,.. 20. ee ee ee Tony Reiher Printers . Ruon Mea, Absa Emos, Fred Abo Editorial Act T ogether The split between the two parties is not as great as many think. Both are concerned with what is best for Aplererte te s¢@ z*, a @e Tucsdas, September 13, 1483 OPINION Letter: The cuual awe Comes etfters ard camamantands fra weiter of at "he oS uns Of such awrite afe IMe@l Ow? and nut ner were DE TY esbar yoimse Jemen Ei emon Dear Editor: Elap ac buromoj kin ag bok jen In emon tm kennan kin jet men ko emoj air dedelok im tobrak to ren ko re motlok. Ho week eo e} jomlok ear itok juon delegation, im ro uan del- egalion im ej ruo ian iroij ro an Ailinplaplap im bar jet im ejja dn Ailinglaplap wot. Hok in an Iroij rein om likao rein, rar boktok jet melele ko clap air emon iba im iben ra rey Ltomak ilo “Vote Jab"’. Mr. Editor, men eo ij itn kennan kake kio, nun kemlelek juon ian likaa rein. Ear jab konnan wot kin nana ko an Compact co wot an ear bare- inwot ba ke Jemen Er eo an Letter: Independence possible for Marshall tslands August 17, 1983 Dear Editor: in his analysis of the Compact of Free Associatwn, Henry Schwalbenberg States Lhat “ance the Trustecship can nat end withoul US. permission it t doubtful that the U.S. would allow the Marshalls to become independent withuut much the Take a close look around you,see all the cans on the street. Pick one up and put it in a trash bin. If every one does this there will be less trash, and if people will stop littering, that is one step towards making Majuro and the Marshall Islands a better place to live. ‘Fhe braken down cars and trucks. They alsu need to be taken care of. But, just how much landfill can be done? Recycling could be the answer. Which is more important ~ color TV and video tapes or non ConCon eo, inaj uak likao is ilo wot tu-kadu-in. Kin ar lo bwe ten otemjej troj ro rey einwot dri kabilik non armiy ro im shallese Inerease in the available water from the weeniinent This is an caumple of helping the government our. How many times do you have co wait for the water hour to fill up your containers. Why not make use of your own roof. Many people have already done so, but nowhere Near a majority. Take a look at what the government is doing for you. They have started a new hospital construction in Delap. They are working on outerisland dispensaries. It is up to you to use these facilities, before it is tuo late, and that costly medical referral to Hawaii. Don't put off going to the hospital if something is wrong. Many have, some of whom are not around anymore. Above ail, take the time to do chose little things that will make the Marshall Islands a better place co live. THE TOKIO MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. mana Nana eo juon ilo Jemen Ei in, kin an eyeiok an iroij vote. Einwot ke na eo iar president in do etan ro iuan Con('on ¢o0 kien eo air ilo jabrewot mer ena) jelel armij ro im bwidej ko, im bar jabrewot men rej walokilo Attinglaplap. Ta kwoj jab melele ke? Ta kwoj konan likit iroj ro am ilo jerbal ko an kien eo an einwot ‘To am ke? Ta See us to insure against water phoon, damage, fire, automobile accident and more... Your TOKIO MARINE £ INSUAANCE representative.) Ihe Martnall islands is ROBERT REIMERS ENTERPRISES, INC POST OFTICF BOX 1 Majura, Mersnall Islands 96960 ty- same military authority it has’ with the Compact Whether or not independence wanted for the Marshall Islands is something only Marcan decide. Yet colomal powers and their ag- ents in the Pacific spend much of their time saying how Impossible at is for the differ- ent island groups to became Independent. Ten years ago, who would have thought the Kepublic of Vanuatu (formerly the New Hebrides) would be independ: kwoj konan bwetroy ro am ren komone ak ilo you rejaty honan komone ak ilok iyo reyab konan ilok ie lok ke? ent today? The Vuarnen cer: tainly didn’t gise Vanuatu to rar eik Jemen Ei tn, rar konan wot komone ilo juon ien @o ekadu bwe en ejeloh ainikien ro jet im rej bed ilo Ebeye drive for independence, inclu- Likao in ej bareinwot ba bwe lm ro ilo Majuro. Jemen Ej in arro ear bok ruo (2) years ko non an ConCon eo arro lamlame im lelok non Council eo an Atlinglaplap ea ila tore eo wot bwe en etale im ko-weppane. Counc! ear etale in lo ke Jemen Fi in en etal wot im iar wonmanluk wot im ko-weppane kin juon resolution einwot ke ilo tore in iar jerbal iben Council eo io chair eo an Magistrate. Kwon jela base ro wan ConCon eo im Council eo ekelel in amij ro iio Atunglaplap, ij ConCon eo ear elk Jemen Fi €0 im Council eo ear ko-weppane ie. high etre snarl Aa Tha asta gt we ares Bete rs we ulge wiete sot) seep tren Oe lea, suet tet ler wl gel rae ohuet svibarl, stated typed Poot mer lay Fe ie effec; caty than ehinyg wing@d one WE rajer € the egrit ea rettOry wr cP ar@® tee nang Ailinglaplap ebaremwot im ejab bo lamen. eh, wager, Lf mor pecele wey spend money Eup” P a ." 4 bate oe ee en ‘ oy the Marshall Islands. They only differ in the method. Development of the Marshall Islands should be che main concem of everyone living here. Don't rely on the government to give you everything. Work towards = . ALARSIIALL. ISLANDS JOURN \bLo"*sume 14, Number 73 . ce eemeBtHe e . c Likao in ej bar ba bwe kakkababa ko rar itok jen Ebvye in Majuro rar jab drelon Uo Jemn Ej in, Do mol ewor jet rar drelon, im bar ilo mol, jet rar jab drelon. ConCon eo ear etale im io bwejet ian men kein remon im jet rejab emon. Ta likao in ejab ememe, rules in bebe ke? Ta konan eo an bwe ren drelon jekdron ta ak kinke jen Ebeye in Majuro ke? Ejab untn an Audinglaplap - Ebeye im Majuro, ak emaron jet ren, ak ejjab aolep ien. M.S. Ailinglaplap 31, August, 1983 “‘Dermussion” to become indePendent. In fact, the French worked hard Lo slow Vanuatu’s hours a day, the electnecity works, lhe government functions, Vanuatu is a United Nations member and has 4s own currency. Vanuatu in the early 1970's was ina dependent relaticnsbip sumilar to that of the MarShajls’. France did not support independence for Vanuatu because Ho fared the indepeadence “fever” would spread to its other colomes, Tahiti (its Nuclear test site) and New Caledonia (where a major portian or the world’s nickel is} But Vanualu’s people set their goal on independence 19 1980, and were successful because they belreved Lhat only by ending culonal rule would they be trully free to govern their own ltves and mate decisions to improve their Situation. The United States will atways Say that the Mardaus “cone” have independence oF that the Marshalls are not econgmically “ready” for independence ding supporting an armed re- because the U.S. has a self-tn terest ta keeping the Marshall Idands under iis military co- But the Vanuatu government course, who defines when a country is ‘tready’’? in international politics it 1s bellion that threatened to disrupt the scheduled July 1980 date for independence. withstood the pressures and 1s how independent. More importantly, 3 years after independence, Vanuatu stu! receives Lhe mujonly of ts econome ald from its lwo former colonial rulers -- France and Britain, even though prior to independence France threatened to withdraw ils economic aid. Evonomic disasters has Not come cto Vanuatt, and the colonial powers did not cut them off. The water runs 24 trol. The questian ts, of the determination of people to Struggle for a goal, to identify allernative sources of iunding that exist throughout the world, and to develop support of olher nations fur their desired political status that determines when @ country is “ready.”’ Pacific colonial history suggests thal independence is want it. there for those that Sincerely, Kalama Akamine Advertising Pays Tide Table’ Time 12 Jina Meigot 11 o.1 re ae MOE 4.f p92? 4.9 pate “ome [la Hard Ta 927 ‘aon ,+ deh Vyoufte Tu OF 5m Bids be ows aad 1 tia 4.5 bo@ taOUTdd bop3he ida t4 Ucsl moO )oS 205d 2.2 Jee P?.2 4.1 Ue of.) 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