We determined that one of the major reasons for lack of
communication and support in the past was that all require-

ments were turned over to the Acting Director of Medical
Services and were not passed on to personnel responsible

for action.

We will now route requirements directly to

the action party.
We determined the routing of ships and planes so that surveys can be scheduled accordingly, which should reduce
charter costs and help eliminate frustrating delays.


now realize that ships are under the control of private
shipping companies and their movements are not as flexi-

ble as when they were under T. T. control.
We learned that in many cases the Rongelap people were dis satisfied.

After 12 years of treatment and examinations it

is difficult to convince them of the necessity of continuance.
This attitude was evident by the fact that many were not taking

their daily pills and no one was following up.

Since they are

scattered among various islands, the individual's cooperation

is essential.

This is a problem to be handled by Dr. Conard,

It is especially difficult to get the patients to go to New York

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