Personal Observations

I believe the trip was very beneficial especially in the following


By personal contact with the High Commissioner (HICOM)

and his staff, we were able to establish an Agreement and
procedures that are sure to improve communications and
better support for our program,


We were able to arouse the interest of the HICOM by assuring
him the AEC still maintains an active interest in the T. T.
and that we are in sympathy with and will try to help them
solve their problems such as, returning Bikini, moving test
debris from the waters and islands and returning sites to their

It appears that they hold the ABC responsible rather

than the DOD,


I believe we helped to convince interested officials that the

medical treatment of Rongelap natives is necessary for their
welfare and not just as a method of acquiring scientific information using the exposed people as guinea pigs.

However, the

scientific data is important since these are the only people in
a controlled environment that have ever received significant
fall out radiation.


Select target paragraph3