The engineering phase of the work performed by Holmes & Narver,
Inc, under the Contract is identified as "Job No. 2— Engineering, Design
and Inspection." In general, the scope of the work performed by the

Engineering Division under "Job No, 2" consisted of three related tasks:
design surveys, detail design, and construction supervision and inspec-


When Holmes & Narver received the Letter-of-Intent on September 16,
1948, very little information was available upon which engineering work
could be based. The only item definitely firm was that the weapons were
to be located on towers for detonation,
Also, at this time, only the
principals of the firm and the five members of the reconnaissance team

had "Q" security clearances,

This posed a major problem because, in

the fall of 1948, the-entire Project - even the fact that the AEC was
contemplating the reuse of Eniwetok Atoll as a proving ground - was

classified as "Secret.*

Since it was possible for engineers to design a tower without knowledge of its projected location and use, this was one major feature on
which design work could be started without waiting for security clearances, Accordingly, studies were begun and several basic tower designs
were developed and submitted to the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
even before the completion of the reconnaissance trip.
At the same time that the tower design studies were started, ap=
plications for security clearance were submitted for all personnel who
were to be engaged in engineering work. Although clearance requirements were not a serious handicap, there were times in the early stages,
when some delays were encountered due to the limited number of "Q"
cleared personnel. This condition existed only for a short time; adequate personnel were soon cleared, including those who were working only
part time on this Project. This clearance of part-time, as well as full
time personnel, made for flexibility, for when required more people
could be put to work on the Project to meet an emergency, Also, costs
of having cleared personnel standing by but not occupied full time were
avoided, This flexibility and economy was possibile because the engineering design was carried out in the Home Office where personnel could
be readily shifted from one project to another.
At the beginning of 1949, the scientific aspects of the tests had
not yet been definitely worked out to the point where actual design of
the necessary structures could be developed. Therefore, efforts were
concentrated on the development of the camp islands, Parry and Eniwetok.
The decision had been reached to follow the recommendation made in the
Reconnaissance Report: to house military and civilian personnel separately. Because the only airstrip on the Atoll that could be utilized
by C-47 and C-54 cargo aircraft was already located on Eniwetok Island



Select target paragraph3