proved unsuccessful. Consideration was then given to the use of
Bogallua as the location for the weapon tower with instrumentation to
be located on Bogombogo, but the distance between the two islands inposed costly obstacles. Therefore, on January 18, 1950, all work on
Bogallua was stopped.
Because there was no other suitable site in the island group west
of Engebi, the experiment was temporarily abandoned. Later, however, a
fourth experiment was found to be vitally needed, and on October 20,
1950, it was decided that the fourth experiment would be from a tower
on the northeast end of Engebi. This experiment was designated as "E+",
Japtan Island was selected as the site for the establishment of
the animal colony called for in Supplement No. 1 to the Reconnaissance
It was selected because of its size, because of the favorable
camp sites it provided, and because of its proximity to Parry Island,
the scientific headquarters site.
Upon receipt of basic criteria pertaining to the animal facilities,
laboratories, and personnel buildings required, a site layout was completed. Certain changes were made to this layout in conformance with
requests by Users through J-Division. Notable among these changes were
the addition of another animal house and an animal infirmary. The re-

vised plan was approved and construction conformed to it.

The original criteria indicated that semi-permanent facilities for
approximately 150 people would be required. The stabilization of the

Medical-Biological test program resulted in a decrease in this figure,

however, and semi-permanent facilities were finally provided for approximately 72 persons.

In order that the animals might become accustomed to the climate

prior to the time of the experiments, all facilities at Japtan were
given a high construction priority and scheduled for completion before
September of 1950. Part of these installations were required to be
made available as early as December 1949.
The island was covered with palm trees spaced about 20 feet apart.
All buildings were located in such a way as to necessitate the removal
of the fewest number of trees possible. The location chosen was the
western side of the island, which afforded the best orientation into
the breeze and had already been cleared, The living and laboratory
facilities were toward the north and animal facilities toward the south.
Three semi-permanent quarters and a mess hall for personnel were located along the shore of the island and faced into the breeze. Imnediately south of the quarters, were placed the laboratory and autopsy
building, with the X-ray building isolated east of these. Farther
south and downwind, were placed the mouse houses, 32 animal runs, and
the animal infirmary. Next came the food storage building, which was
placed across the road from the pier on the lagoon side. Finally, the
incinerator was located farther south and downwind from the rest of the


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