building of this central group was the Army Task Group Headquarters;

the Army housing was adjacent to it. The semi-permanent aluminum
buildings for Army Quarters (four 18-man buildings for officers, one
36-man building and three 72-man buildings for enlisted men) were

placed nearest the headquarters building.

twenty-one 8-man type) were farther east.

The tents (one hundred and

West of the mess hall was located another open air movie theater

with the Air Force housing beginning immediately south of it.


semi-permanent 18-man quarters for officers were placed nearest the
mess hall and five semi-permanent 72-man quarters for enlisted men were
put farther to the west with forty-one 8-man tents for officers between

the two, West of the semi-permanent enlisted men's quarters were one
hundred and sixteen S-men tents for enlisted personnel.

The minimum facilities required for each of the experiment islands
consisted of a weapon tower, an airstrip, and temporary housing.
The weapon Towers could not be located on exactly the same sites
as those used for earlier experiments because of the old tower footings,
but they were located on the same zero lines, seventy-five feet behind

the original zero points (away from the existing and planned instrumentation structures) .

Previous experience indicated the desirability of providing temporary camps at each of the experiment islands to house the scientists
and workmen engaged in preparation for the experiments. Basic design
criteria led to the estimate that each location would need facilities
for approximately 50 scientists and 150 workmen. Camp layouts were
developed therefore, to serve these estimated populations.
Inasmuch as accurate location data for scientific stations and
other experimental structures were not available at the early stage of
planning, particular care was exercised to locate camps as far from

the towers and zero lines as practicable, leaving a maximm clear area
along and adjacent to the zero lines available for scientific stations
or structures,

All experiment island camps were designed to permit disassembly
of structures prior to detonations. Therefore all structures were
designed as temporary or semi-permanent. Quarters were in 4-man tents,
and the recreation facilities were housed in tents. The other facilities were in semi-permanent buildings. These included mess halls, fire
and first aid buildings, offices, 100-man shower and latrine buildings,
and repair shops. The only exception was the power plant structures
which were blast-proof concrete because power was required after the
snots. Where practical, tents and equipment were to be dismantled just
before shot times and stored on Parry.


Select target paragraph3