communications and air and water transportation.
It later developed
that Parry was also to accommodate JTF-3 headquarters.
The facilities required for the operations of these groups included office and laboratory buildings, work shops, warehouses, and
transport installation. Quarters, messing, laundry, and recreational
facilities were to be shared by AEC, JIF-3 and H & N, as well as power,
water, and communications services.
According to the original criteria furnished by AEC, the maximum
number of personnel to be accommodated on Parry at any one time was
to be approximately 600 persons. The initial planning was undertaken
on this basis and a suggested layout was incorporated in the Reconnaissance Report. This planning provided for housing all personnel in
semi-permanent aluminum buildings, 200 scientists in small buildings
with partitions to provide for one or two men per room, and 400 construction workers in dormitories, 34 men per building. Administration
buildings, mess hall, cold storage, power and water plant, shops, and
maintenance warehouse were also planned as aluminum buildings.
Chapter 5.10, Personnel Buildings.)
Subsequent expansion of the scope of the scientific program required corresponding expansion of laboratory and associated facilities,
as well as a corresponding expansion in personnel accommodations, By
July 1949, when Supplement No. 1 to the Reconnaissance Report was
issued, the anticipated population for Parry had grown far beyond the
original estimate of 600. The increased needs for housing, messing,
and other personnel facilities and the increased needs for laboratory
buildings, warehouses, freight receiving, transportation, and full
handling facilities made necessary a major revision of the layout
originally planned.
The extent of revision may be seen from a comparison of the two
plans, the original from the Reconnaissance Report, Figure 5.7-1, and
the revised from Supplement No. 1 to the Reconnaissance Report,
Figure 5.7-2.
The revised site plan, as approved by AEC, remained firm as to
general layout, but many revisions were made in details to accommodate

additional personnel.

In July of 1949 the Task Force Commander elected

to set up his headquarters on Parry. This decision involved approximately 100 additional people, and the planning and construction of a
headquarters building for the use of this group as well as the replan-

ning of the tent camp area.

As late as October 1950, instructions

were received from the AEC to provide an addition to the tent camp
area to quarter 400 more people. Along with this increase in living
quarters, authorization was granted to increase the seating capacity
of the mess hall. Because early planning had foreseen some increase
in population at this site, the mess hall galley had been built and
equipped to handle considerable additional load. It did so satisfactorily until the population increased far beyond that originally


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