"Official Use Only "), They were to include the Purchase Specifications
but exclude specifications for work by the Army on Eniwetok Island.
The actual writing and editing of the specifications began with the
preparation of Part I, "General Conditions" and Part II, "Special
Conditions", in order that all personnel having a part in specification
preparation would be acquainted with the conditions involved and the
terminology to be followed, The current AEC "General Conditions" and
"Special Conditions" furnished by the Santa Fe Operations Office in
Los Alamos, were used as guides, It was immediately apparent that the
provisions contained in these guides, while applicable to construction

work at established bases such as Los Alamos and Albuquerque, required

extensive revision in order to apply to conditions at Eniwetok Island.
Provisions covering the monthly rates to be paid for electricity, gas
and water, connections to existing utilities, closing of streets,
housing facilities, and the like were clearly inapplicable. These and
similar provisions were deleted or modified as required to conform to
conditions at Jobsite or as required by the terms of the Contract.
Other provisions were amplified and new paragraphs added so that the
scope of the work would be clearly defined, The general arrangement,
titling, and numbering of the paragraphs, however, followed the basic
AEC specifications as closely as possible, The completed drafts of
the "General Conditions" and "Special Conditions" were then reviewed
by the Budget Controller for conformance to contractural obligations

and submitted to the Chief Engineer for his approval. To facilitate
the work and to assure uniformity of terminology and paragraphing,
copies of the revised drafts were furnished to the heads of each engineering department involved in specification preparation in order,
The writing and editing of Part III, "Technical Provisions" was
then begun, The "Technical Provisions" consisted of thirty sections,
each covering, for the most part, the work of one building trade,
although the work specified in two or more sections could be performed
by the same trade. Of these sections two originated in the Sanitary
Department, three in the Civil Department, four in the Electrical Department,

six in the Mechanical Department and the remaining fifteen

in the Specification Department,

Throughout the preparation of the specifications a high level of
coordination was maintained with the various engineering departments.
The completed drafts of all sections were routed to each department
whose work was in any way related to that section and were there reviewed by the department head or by other qualified personnel, After
revisions occasioned by such reviews had been made, the drafts were
reviewed by the Specification Department with particular respect to
format and compliance with the established criteria and finally were
subject to further review by the Chief Engineer or the Assistant
Chief Engineer,
AEC guide specifications were used wherever applicable during

the preparastion of the technical sections,

As in the case of the


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