The Purchase Specifications originated with the various engineering design departments, The preparation procedure varied to suit the
materials or equipment to be purchased, For the most part, Purchase
Specifications for items of mechanical and electrical equipment were
written by qualified personnel in the originating department and edited
by the Specification Department of the Engineering Division, Other
items were normally written and edited within the Specification Department, with necessary assistance furnished by the interested departments.
Upon receipt of bids in the Purchasing Department, the bid papers and
bid tabulations were made available to the interested engineering departments for their comments or recommendations, The Engineering
Division cooperated with the Operations Division during the period
between initiation of fabrication and delivery at Jobsite by passing
upon the fabricator's material lists and shop drawings, and by rendering technical assistance to the Inspection and Shipping Departments of
the Operations Division,
A uniform system of numbering was established for Purchase Specifications and Invitations for Bids, Corresponding Specifications and
Invitations had identical numbers and dates, The number consisted of
three parts, separated by dates, For example, on the Specification
and Invitation prepared for packaged steam generators, the number is
HN-2B-401, The letters in the first element identified the documents
as issued by Holmes & Narver; the number in the second element represented the use feature of the equipment or supplies, and the letter
the H & N code for the site on which the equipment or supplies were
to be used, the number in the third element represented by its first
digit the engineering department which originated the specification
and by its last two digits, the assigned serial number. This system,
it may be seen, corresponded with that used for design drawings,
Purchase Specifications prepared for the Project were later consolidated in Volume 3 of the General Specifications covering construc-

tion work,

These specifications are presented as Appendix "F*" of this

Three hundred and six pages of Purchase Specifications were prepared, Eight pages inadvertently omitted from the collected specifications, but used, are also reproduced in Appendix "F*, Sixty-five vages
prepared but not used because of changes in work required are not
In order that the Construction Department might be assisted in
determining material requirements, the Engineering Division prepared
Bills of Materials for design drawings. These were prepared on tracing
paper so that reproducible vellums could be furnished to both the Home
Office Construction Department and Jobsite. By use of these, it was
possible for the Home Office Construction Department to check materiai
stockpiles established by pre-design material estimates which the
Engineering Division had made to expedite construction, In addition


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