addition to each station being shown on a location map, the pertinent
data -- orientation, location, and distance and direction from the
zero towers -- were also shown on the drawings of the stations.
When working drawings were completed, prints were sent to
J-Division for final approval. Sometimes new ideas had been developed
or changes had been decided upon so recently that the designers had not
been made aware of them, In these cases, marked prints were returned,
and the changes incorporated, Revised prints were then returned to
J-Division, When all requirements had been met, the drawings were approved by J-Division and written authorization to proceed with construction was issued by the Contract Administrator.
This approval was functional approval only. Holmes & Narver was
entirely responsible for proper and sound construction and the integration of all component parts.
At the time prints of working drawings were sent to Los Alamos for
approval, prints of the completed drawings were circulated to all design departments. This circulation was made for coordination between
the departments.
In most cases, prints covering complete design for a
building or station were circulated as a group so that coordination of
design criteria could be checked, After review, these prints were
initialed by each department chief and returned to the reproduction
unit with corrections or questions plainly marked with colored pencil,
The returned prints were then reviewed by the Chief Draftsman or other
delegated personnel and referred for corrections to the departments
concerned, The marked prints were then filed for future reference,
This print circulation procedure applied to revisions to drawings as
well as to original issue,

After all corrections indicated on the circulated prints or requested by J-Division were made, the drawings were signed as approved
by the Chief Engineer or his assistant. Until a drawing was signed
by the Chief Engineer it was considered a preliminary drawing. Upon
signature by the Chief Engineer, a drawing became a working drawing.
A complete record was kept of all prints made and distributed after
The usual distribution of prints was as follows:
H & N Engineering Manager,

8 prints, 1 transparency

AEC Resident Engineer,

1 print



Select target paragraph3