Collecting Methods
Samples were collected from areas surrounding isolated coral

After selecting a coral head with a variety of forms about

it a small quantity of powdered derris root, 2 to 3 pounds of 5%
rotonone, was worked into the water.

At the warm temperatures that

prevailed fishes were immobilized and died in a few mimtes.

Attached and sedentary forms were collected in the vicinity of the
same coral head to complete the sample.

The material collected was first preserved in 4% formalin, then
transferred to 70% alcohol for shipment to the Applied Fisheries
Laboratory for ashing and counting.

Some surface activity was undoubtedly

lost by this method of handlings
Preparation of Material for Counting

To reduce the material to a convenient form for counting, small
samples, usually about pne gram in weisht were placed on one inch stainless steel plates and reduced to an ash.

The samples were heated to

120° C. on a hot plate to start the reduction.

After heating sufficiently

to char, a drop of olive oil was added to reduce sputtering and give
batter distribution of the material on the plate.

The trays with the

raised to 270° 6,

After two hears


tissue residue were then placed in a mffle furnace and the temperature
heating the terperature was raised

to 500° C, and maintained until a white ash was obtained.

A drop of

nitric acid was then added and the samples get aside to cool.


cooling the plates were mounted on cards and covered with cellophane
for counting.

Select target paragraph3