
Dr. Rabi.

Presidential approval was obtained on April 24.

check has been deposited.


The JCAE has been informed of this

matter and a press release was issued Saturday.

2. AEC 781/31 - Transmission of Military Reactor Information
to the UK and Canada - Approved as revised. Your concurrence was

reported at the Informal Meeting on April 26, 1956.

AEC 71/55

Revised Criteria and procedures for Determining


AEC 764/2h


AEC 862/16 - UK Purchases of Canadian Uranium Concentrates -


Items of Information

Eligibility for Personnel Security Clearance ~ Approved, as revised.

List of Atomic Information for Transmittal

to the UK and Canada - Approved, as revised. General Starbird is
to explore with the DOD the possibility of reporting to the Commissioners on the information which is transmitted to the UK under
this determination.
Approved, with the understanding that we will proceed on this basis
as long as UK ore requirement estimates are not exceeded.

a. Mr. Mitchell reported on the testimony of himself, Mr.
Libby and Mr. Roddis before the Special Subcommittee of the Senate
Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee concerning the amendment of
the Public Utility Holding Company Act. The industrial testimony is
to be reviewed to determine if the AEC position is to be reconsidered.
b. Captain Waters gave a favorable report on his recent
survey of the UK security system. Mr. Murray requested that the FBI
be asked for their evaluation of the UK security system, as compared
with that of the U. 5.
c. The Commissioners had no objection to proceeding with a
contract with Babcock and Wilcox on the LMFRE.

Meeting 1195 - April 19, 1956 (Commissioners Libby, Murray and Vance

AEC 777/19 - Power Demonstration Reactor Program - Approved.

2. LASL and UCRL Studies - Approved the General Manager's
authorization to LASL and UCRL to make public references to their studies
of nuclear propulsion for missiles.

Select target paragraph3