the 1975 ERDA survey led to the decision that an aerial raciological
survey be done for Bikini Atoll also. This kind of aerial survey can
reveal residual results not available from ocrourd techniques, particularly
the presence of plutonium in the soil.

the aerial radiological

survey 1S expected to be carried out in early 1978, and results for
Bikini Atoll will be available shortly thereafter.
The 1975 EPDA radiological survey demonstrated conclusively that the
interior of Bikini Island should not Le used for residential purposes;

that well water should not be used for huran consumption; and

that locally gram focd preducts must be placed on a restricted
basis as far as consurction by the people is concerned. By late 1976,
it was evident that coconut trees, formerly rot expected to fose a

recycling denger, were also suspected. The restriction on the use of
coconut products precuced on Bikini Islandfor focd and export
additionally make the island of Eikini unrealistic as a permanent place
of settlement and for agricultural use.
It is now clear that the use of Bikini Island cannot be considered
at the present time as the site for permanent resettlement for the
approximately 500 Bikinians who seek to return, or for inmediate
agricultural purposes. In short, a complete recasting of the Bikini.
Resettlement Program is required.
A’ Master Plan for Bikini Fesettlement, completed in 1974, revised
the original 1969 clans for development of the atoll. This 1974
Master Plan envisioned using both Bikini Island and Fneu Island
for habitaticn and for agricultural purposes.
Since action on the Bikini resettlement problea is ursently needed,
a nuonber of alternative plans currently are being ccnsidered.
The most feasible, at present, aproears to Le te concentrate the rajor
resettlenent project on Fneu Island. This Island, which lies
approximately 12 miles south of Bikini Island, did not, in ccntrast
with Bikini, receive siqnificant amounts of radiation fallcut, and
radiation exposure of people living there would meet U.S. Federal
safety standards. A preliminary recasting of the 1974 Bikini Master
Plan indicated that approximately $13 millicn will be required to
rehabilitate Eneu Island ané to develop suitable residential conmunity
facilities there. 21,000 ccccnut trees already have been planted on Meu
Island and are bearing. Analysis reveals that these Eneu Island
coconuts can be used for food and possible future copra export.
Additionally, there are smaller islands available which must be planted

Select target paragraph3