4O L546

United States Department of the Interior

Honorable Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr.

House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Mr. Speaker:

There is enclosed a proposed bill "To authorize the appropriation
of funds for the rehabilitation and resettlement of Bikini Atoll,
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and for other purposes.".
Bikini Atoll lies among the Marshall Islands, which are a part of
the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands administered bv the
United States pursuant to an agreement with the Security Council
of the United Nations. The United States carried on atcmic testing
there Letween 1948 and 1558 which severely damaged Bikini Atoll
and rendered much of it uninhabitable.
The United States had ccnmitted itself to returning the atoll to its
original owners when security purposes no longer recniired its
use for testing or defense purposes, and from 1958 onward the

people of Bikini increasingly pressed for a return. Between 1966
and 1967, the former Atomic Energy Commissicn conducted several
radiolegical surveys, and reported that after cleanup, a certain
nurber of the islands of the atoll were safe for civilian habitation.
Accordingly, cn August 12, 1968, President Johnson announced that
Bikini Atoll was no longer required for the nuclear testing pregram
or for defense purposes, and that the atoll would be returned to the
people of Bikini following cleanup and rehabilitation. In his

announcement, the President stressed that a modern and model comunity

would be provided for the returning residents.

In June 1975 an intensive ground radiological survey was corducted

by ERDA and it revealed that the-original recommendations concerning

resettlement on Bikini Island needed drastic revision. It became
evident that radionuclide intake in the plant food chain had been
grossly miscalculated in terms of human consumption.

The results of



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