those on Tumbler shots | to 4 in that there was little or no decrease in positive impulse deSpite a sizable attenuation of peak pressures. On Tumbier shots 1 to 4 it was found that the

decrease in positive impulse (10 per cent) was considerablyless than would have been expected as a result of the decrease in peak pressure.

To augment the data compiled on surface bursts of atomic weapons, it would be highly desirable to instrument a surface burst of operational size over land so that the blast line is en-

tirely over land. If no continental test site were available for a surface burst of this size, it

could be performed at Eniwetok on Engebi. Increased interest in contact fuzing is a strong argumentin favor of a burst of this type.
Measurements of the type made on Mike shot should be repeated at the earliest opportunity
on a detonation of a superbombto test the validity of the assumption that a surface burst has
the same effectiveness as a bomb of twice the yield burst in free air. It would not be necessary to extend the blast line to the low-pressure regions instrumented on Mike shot except as
indicated to explore the effect of atmospheric nonhomogeneities. It is desirable, however, to
measure overpressures from the higher-overpressure regions (100 psi) to those overlapping
the higher pressure levels instrumented on Operation Ivy. Measurements of this sort are currently planned for Operation Castle.


B. F. Murphey, Air Shock Pressure-Time vs Distance, Tumbler-Snapper Report, WT-501,
August 1952.
2. C. J. Aronson et al., Free-Air and Ground-Level Pressure Measurements, Tumbler-

Snapper Report, WT-513, November 1952.

. B. F. Murphey, Air Overpressure vs Time vs Distance from Buster Airburst Bombs,
Buster-Jangle Report, WT-304, March 1952.
. W. J. Howard and R. D. Jones, Free Air Pressure Measurements for Operation Jangle by
Project 1.4, Sandia Corporation Report SC-2261(Tr), February 1952; also issued as WT306, Air Pressure vs Time, and as an integral part of WT-367, Blast and Shock Measurements IZ.
. J. M. Harding, Variations of Blast Pressure at Fixed Distances with Small Altitudes,
Buster-Jangle Report, WT-305, April 1952.
. G. K. Hartmann et al., Blast Measurements, Greenhouse Report, Annex 1.6, Part I, WT-

64, May 1952.

. G. K. Hartmann et al., Pressure-Time Measurements for Operation Sandstone, Sandstone
Report, Annex 5, Vol. 22, Part III, June 1948.
. Report of the Technical Director, Operation Crossroads, Vol. I, Report XR-156, May 1947.
F. Reines and B. R. Suydam, Preliminary Survey of Physical Effects Produced by a Super
Bomb, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LAMS-993, November 1949.
10. M. Peter et al., The Effects of Large Yield Atomic Bombs, RAND Corporation Report

RM-866, July 1952.
11. F. H. Shelton, The Precursor, Sandia Corporation Report SC-2850(Tr) (in preparation); F.
Porzel, Height of Burst for Atomic Bombs, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-

1406 (in preparation).

12. E. J. Zadina, LASL Memorandum fo W. E. Ogle, LASL, Effects of a Super Detonation at
Eniwetok Atoll, Ref. sym. J-9122, Dec. 3, 1951.
13. E. J. Zadina, LASL Memorandum to R. H. Campbell, LASL, Pressure-Distance Curve for
500 Kilotons, Ref. sym. J-9220, Dec. 12, 1951.
14, R. S. Millican and H. E. Lenander, Sandia Laboratory Operational Report on Operation Ivy,

Program 6, Ivy Report, WT-606 (in preparation).

15. J. D. Shreve, Jr., Pressure-Distance-Height Study of 250-1b Spheres (App. B), Tumbler

Report, WT-520, March 1953.


Select target paragraph3