9. AEC 58/3 - Export Licenses on High Energy Accelerators
Under consideration was a report (AEC 58/3) on the above subject by

the Director of Engineering. After discussing the advisability of attaching conditions to any approval of applications for export licenses for ac~
celerators, the Commission:

DEFERRED action on AEC 58/3.
10, AEC 82 ~ Establishment of Excepted ‘‘Scientific and Technical"'

Under consideration was a report (AEC 82) by the Acting Director of
Organization and Personnel, concerning the manner in which excepted
‘scientific and technical’’ positions will be established.

the Commission:

After discussion,

APPROVED the recommendation of AEC 82,
ll, Public Announcement Concerning Operation SANDSTONE
The Chairman reported that after further consultation with the National Military Establishment on April 15, 1948, during which the representatives of the military establishment expressed the opinion that security
might be hampered if a release were made prior to completion of all tests
but recognized that it would not be uncooperative of the Commission to
release a statement, the Commission approved a public announcement to
be made after 12:00 noon on April 19, 1948.

On April 17, the Director of

Public and Technical Information Service sent a copy of the approved re-~ lease to the Military Establishment through the Chairman of the Military
Liaison Committee. On the same day, Secretary of the Army Royall dispatched a letter to the Chairman of the Commission recording the understanding reached on April 15. A reply was dispatched by Mr. Waymack on
April 19, 1948, reiterating the Commission's feeling that issuance of a
brief statement would contribute to the best interests of national security.
(The exchange of letters was subsequently circulated as AEC 9/7.)
12. Appointment of Director of Organization and Personnel

The General Manager reported that after receiving and studying the
complete report by the Federal Bureauof Investigation on its investigation of Mr. Eric Nicol, he had granted final personnel security clearance
to Mr. Nicol, had appointed him Director of Organization and Personnel,
and had approved a public announcement of the appointment.


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