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Operation CASTILE cid not inclade a biomedical program, The partterpants un Project 4of
were dawn from various laboratories and were totally unprepared for a field prog rag, when

the Jornt DOD ARC Medteal Research Ten wis organized alter the operation tad: begun,
Dr. John C. Bugher, Director, Division of Biology and Medicine, AEC, and Lt Col L. E.
Browning, MC, USA, Surgeon of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, selected the project officer and requested that the selection of technical and vrofessional personnel be commenced immediately. Rear Admiral Clarence Brown, Deputy Surgeon General, Medical Department, USN, gave immediate and complete support of all naval medical research activities
and assigned responsibility to CAPT Van Tipton, MC, USN, and CDR Harry Etter, MC, USN, of
the Atomic Defense Division, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, USN, for the implementation of
the project.
Since little detailed information was available about dose and initial symptomatology, the
research team was organized to include the following talents for the constitution of the emergency medical team: internal medicine, hematology, radiation technology and radiobiology. In
the selection of personne! the emphasis was placed on past experience in biomedical research
inthe field with atomic weapons. In addition, provisions were made for a second echelon of
specialized personnel in case they were needed. Accordingly, a preventive medicine unit of
the Commander imn-Chret, Pacific Fleet, was alerted for possible bacteriologie studies; blood
bank personnel, and additional clinicians and nurses were notified in case conditions justified
their services inthe Kwajalem area. Rear Admiral Bartholomew Hogan, MC, USN, Pacific
Fleet Mecheal Ollicer, umimediately made any needed medical facilities of the Pacific Fleet

Personnel were obtamed within the Continental limtts of the U.S. for the research team
as follows:
Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI)
4 medical officers (BE. P. Cronkite, project officer, R. A. Conard, N. R. Shulman, and
R. S. Farr)

2 medical service corps officers (W. H. Chapman and R. Sharp)
6 enlisted men (C. R. Sipe, P. K. Schork, C. P. A. Strome, W. C. Clutter, R. E. Hansell,

J. S. Hamby)
U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL)
tL civilian M.D. (V. P. Bond)
1 medical service corps officer (L. J. Smith)
4 enlisted men (W. H. Gibbs, J. C. Hendrie, W. S. Argonza, J. Flanagan)
Division of Biology and Medicine, AEC

2 civilian M.D.'s (C. L. Dunham and G. V. LeRoy)

Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP)
1 Army Medical Officer (L. E. Browning)

Prelimmary studies had been made by CDR W. S. Hall, MC, USN, Station Medical Officer
and his staff, and decontamsmnation of the individuals was well underway when Project 4.0 person-

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