feld test," ustop a piaabom man expesed To poth (he aiGiab ae be aduad padnatron

Phe tepen

doses tor each sifttation are shown Pa. bob wath abl date as per centoab the 3 cencimeter
dose. With the diverging carta) radiition from (he port of exploston, Che exit dese wae seen
to he 63 per cent of the 3 en: dose, but woth the diffuse testdunl Creld of tission product tardies
fiona suriiee dose gome eid times greater Chan the 3 cnr and deeper dose trout the tuorder
amma Components was observed. Vhis is seen to be of the same order of mayaiiide cts Chat
estumeted above,

At hemhts above and below the 3 foot level this surtace dose would become

lower and higher respectively, but probably would not exceed 50 Cimes the d foot war gamois
dose or 80 times the nuidline dose, even an contact with the ground.

An estimate of shin dose

due to ground contamimition for the Rongeliap case would result, for eximple, ena fipure of

about 2000 rep to the dorsum of the foot, 600 rep at the ip fevel, and 300 rep at Che head it
comtinuous exposure with no shielding occurred. Some reduction in dose undoubtedly resulted
from shretding and movement, and it seems probable that the external beta dose from lacal

skin ConGiumimition far outwerched that rons the pround cn tniportance, Phis is empliustzed by
the facet that clothing, probably reduced the beta dose trom: the ground by £0 to 20 per cen.


*F. W. Chambers, Project 2.2b, Residual Gamma Depth Dose Measurements in UnitDensity Material, AFSWP, WT-719, Operation UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE.

Select target paragraph3