=. ee

At O800-M on 2 March 1954 the ship was completely monitored and the flight

deck and bridge structure indicated from one-hundred (100) to*wo_hundred-twenty
(220) milli roentgens per hour, gamma only, The hangar
deck and rooms on the
_ deck below the flight deck indicated from thirty (30)to fifty (50) milli. roentgens per hour, gamma only,

Decontamination efforts were conmended

immediately after monitoring was completed and were carried on all day 2 March”

1954. The flight deck was washed.<down several times using high pressure hoses,
working parallel to the planking.
The first wsh-down resulted in an average’
reduction of 40-50 milli roentgens per hour, gamma only, This was followed
by scrubbing with a detergent soap solution and salt water rinse, using high

pressure fire hoses, The intensity on the flight deck was reduced below fifty
(50) milli roentgens per hour, gamma only, except in a few scattered spaces,
following repeated applications of this method,

The averege

beta plus gamma

reading on the flight deck before decontamimtion was one (1) rep.

The decon-

tamination efforts utilized reduced this figure by at least Le according to

calculations of the Navy Radiological Decontamination Laboratory representatives,


A check on representative film badges of flight deck and other exposed pers—-

onnel indicates that they received an average of from two (2) to three (3)

roentgens total dose up to noon 2 March 1954, I consider that as a result of the
decontamination measures taken the radiation level has been reduced to the -.
point that the ship is entirely safe for continued occupancy by all personnel on


I recommend that the BAIROKO continue with the operations in progress in

preparation for the remainder of the tests.


A detailed report of the decontamination operations will be sutmitted at a.

later date,


ENCL (2) TO ENCL (4)



Select target paragraph3