Sune 30, 1978 Page 2 In addition to these whole body measurements, thin crystal dual NaI-Csi(Tl) detectors were used to determine the possible presence of actinide nuclides. in the skull (head) and lungs (thorax). By subtraction of a control subject, it was possible to remove the contribution. from the 1.46 MeV gamma from K-40. A suitable Cs-137 phantom was then subtracted to account for the contribution of the 0.66 MeV gamma of barium-137 m and the 32 keV X ray characteristic of barium. The resulting count rate in the Am-241 60 keV energy region was, Figures 6 and 7, as seen in essentially non-significant and not different from the control subject. It is concluded, therefore, that there is no detectable Am-241 in either subject at this time of measurement. Similarly, there was no Pu-239 X-ray peak observable in the net spectra ohtained by the procedure described: It has been calculated that with 1.72 wCi of Cs-137 present, our lower limit of detection for Am-241 in the skull 1S approximately 200 pCi. For your information, Laplander (reindeer with you recently. people are recorded those of the Bikini letter I have enclosed a copy of the herder) population article that I discussed I think it is important that many of these as having Cs-137 body burdens similar to residents, and I have just sent off a to our associates at Dr. Miettinen's laboratory to see if there is any epidemiological health evidence available for this group. I look forward to our continued collaboration in this area. If you have any questions as to the meaning of any result, | please don't hesitate to call. Very truly yours, ¥ ) we, Norman Cohen, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Environmental Medicine NC/j Encilesures cc: Dr. M. Dr. Eisenbud M.E. Wrenn Dr. H. Spitz Dr. S. Cohn Dr. N. Greenhouse in . | IO1882y sede 3Speenettare ean iaBsREa es grey dale : baie Go on eae aber, mbt 7 Brookhaven National Laboratory Be Dr. Robert Conard