Information furnished FCDA and -NSRB. ‘The’ Acting Deputy Admintstrator, FCDA, and the Director, - Health Resources Office, NSRBJ have been
furnished a ‘statement of levels of: radioactive contamination jn water’:
and food permissible under emergency comiitions.: ‘This ‘statemnt.was.

prepared for use of the AEC emergency radiation monitoring teams in event
of atomic disaster ‘and was furnished these agencies: for use if their
national civil defense program. .

Review of FCDA documents. FCDA's "Health Services andj Special

Weapons Defense" Manual was further reviewed for technical ackuracy in

galley-proof and page-proof form prior to its public release fon December
27, 1950.
Radiation Instruments Branch

The FCDA issued Specifications for Civil Defense Radiblogical

Monitoring Instruments on December 6, 1950, as the result offinitial
broad specifications prepared by the Radiation Instruments



though there are several points in the issued specification with which

AEC persons are not in complete agreement, the specificatiozs will be
useful to radiation instrument manufacturers in giving them ffirm opera-

It is pro


tional characteristics to which they can design instruments]

posed that resulting prototype instruments will be evaluated by the
National Bureau of Standards.

Procurement and Industrial Development Activities
AkC-sponsored research and development. Twenty of the civil defense radiation monitors manufactured by the Victoreen Instfument Company

under AEC contract were received during December.

These instruments are

of the ionization chamber type employing the DuBridge-Browy electrometer
circuit. The upper range of these instruments is 25 roentgens per hour.
No determination has been made of the spectral and performdmce characteristics of these instruments.

Inspection and testing. During the month of Decemb@r, 180 radiation detection instruments, accessories, and components wefe received
‘and tested. Seventy-five neutron dosimeters produced by the Cambridge
Instrument Company were rejected beeause of manufacturing Hlefects. Since
these dosimeters were procured under a production developypnt contract
supervised by the NYO Instruments Branch, they will be rethhrned to their
Laboratory for further inspection and return to the manufacturer.
Technical Coordination Activities

Military activities in radiation instrumentation. Progress repcerts
concerning the many military administered contracts irvolping research in
radiation detection have not received sufficient distribufion within the
AEC. Since it would be difficult to obtain the number off copies to make
a complete distribution, the Branch is planning to abstrabt and disseminate this information directiy.
Initially, a Compendium Wii: be
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Select target paragraph3