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‘Civil Defense Liaison Branch
Civildefense legislation, - OnDecember 8, at the request of|the

Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee. on proposed -cit

defense legislation, the Director of .the Division of Biology ‘and Me

testified on the pending bill. His statement has beencirculated f


information of the Commission on AEC 171/15 dated December 18, 195

Subject to-a request to the Chairman, AKC, by Representative
Whittington, Chairman of the House Public Works Committee, the Direfttor of Biology and Medicine and the Acting Chief, Civil Defense Liaisoy


met with Dr. Whittington and Representative Dondero to discuss effaets of

atomic weapons relative to pending legislation for dispersal of Federal
Shelters for AEC facilities.

Major AEC installations have

Geen 're-

quested through the operating program divisions to furnish “flash"festi-

mates of the costs involved in providing adequate shelters for the
populations, assuming enemy air attacks with atomic as well as other tfpes of
weapons, and Warning systems capable of transmitting signais of sukh
attacks to the populations involved.
To assist in formulation of these estimates tentative desi
criteria for communal type shelters and rough sketches of sugges
type shelters were furnished as guides.


Design criteria for Savannah River plant. The Acting Chieff, Civil
Defense Liaison Branch, spent a major portion of his time during
month working with representatives of the Division of Production, [the

Department of Defense, and the du Pont Company in determining design
criteria for the new Savannah River plant.
Review of public shelter pians.

The Commission has informgd the

NSRB that it will examine for safety factors, if subject to atomif


attack, the plans for theBoston Common underground garage and plhns for

Review of White House plans.

Plans for construction pro

the Architect of the White House.

Federal Civil Defense Administration--NSRB briefing sessi
Arrangements were made by the Branch for a briefing session by FQDA and
NSRB personnel with AEC staff members to discuss civil defense adtivities
related to the three AEC communities.
At the meeting the proces
of desig-

nation of so-called critical target areas throughout the countryJwas explained and the factors determining such designation were outlin#d.


maps showing critical areas for the states containing the ARC cofmunities
and states adjacent thereto were provided and have been transmitfed to
the communities.




Select target paragraph3