The crater survey pipes were delivered to

Holmes and Narver warehouse department 21

May 1952 with a request for shipment to Edward
J. Zadina, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory,
P.O. Box 1663, Los Alamos, N. Mex.

The postblast data were observed from 28

the center of the stake. All distances and

elevations are in feet.
Column 5

Preblast elevation was taken on the top of
stake which was flush with surface. Postblast
elevation was taken on the surface by stake.

April 1952 to 12 May 1952. The following explanations apply to the columns in Table B.4.

Column 6

Column 2

point of bend and the elevation recorded.

The numberingof the stakes follows the order
of listing in letter SDF-649 (Appendix A). The
recovered stakes are tagged to correspond.

Column 7

A file mark was made at the approximate

Column 3

Bent deflection is reckoned clockwise from
the line from the stake to Ground Zero, to the
end of the bent portion.

The azimuth is reckoned at the stake, from
north clockwise to Ground Zero.

Column 8

Column 4
Distance is measured from Ground Zero to

Straight deflection is reckoned from a vertical line through the bottom of the straight
portion of pipe.

Select target paragraph3