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With its inception (in fact a


af the "Biophysics Section" of

former H-l) at the start of th

ou, te . ection acquired, on paper, two

of the Section but had other di
transferred to H!-6 Field Test £
the complement of the Section @
was added in February, At the

‘ts, (fur. : the year, these two were
Fu. other individuals formed
.te cra’: n, and @ new merber (I. Israel)
s3 cf the year, the Section consisted of the

members (B. Schnap, A, Dodd) we

six, with one mexber (G. Anglet

September on for the purpose of


lic iu. a: ively participate in the work


iivirg t: en cn lezve of absence from


y macuate study,


As the name implies, there is ve +» litle «: t 4s routine in the work of
the Special Problers Section, ° ¢ Sec.don'a serwices to cther Groups have
ranged from consultetion and ady cs, throu 4» information end education,
to investigation and research,
the folio ing paragraphs, scme of the
problers handled by tye Sectdon
ill ‘2¢ cte and briefly described in
order to give sore {dea of the n ..c2 erc +t. dety of the work done.
1. Perhaps the .earest to
connection with the monitor
These probie:s invelwec chi
calibration, evaluaticn amd
In addition, many calculati«
by source s'ielding problem:

wvu.e were the problems that arose in
: actiwities cf H-1 and other Groups.
iy instrumeitation, and entailed the
curfizeticr of monitoring materials.
+ were c*e, for exarple, those required

2. In the field of informat in arct ecication, the Section was respon=
sible during the year for a oinber cf Lectures Gelivered befcre several
different groups, Radiatior iszarcs a.d radiolo.ic safety) procedures
were the principal subjects “tre lectures. The nature of the material
covered varied with the type of yroup. The groups ranged fror. civil
deferse personnel tc new stat’ memters atterding the orientation course.
3. The Section participatei in weapcrs test programs, cooperating with
J-13 in raking film measure.ernts cf gamna-radiaticn exposure as a functicn

of distance.

The measureneit sa were made both at hevada and at Eniwetok,.

The Section designed and tested the Bite tons that were used, and had

merbers at both test sites to Bee tc ‘1 instailatio:, of stations and

the recowery of film,
The results cbte med have been enalyzed, and the
analysis will appear in a fortheorirg rerort. The results cf like
meesurenents made by the “ection at cyecatior Buster were published in
March as report. wl 408,

Pcst-shot measurenerts were made in Cctober at tower shot sites

in Nevada ere covered ir the report of the Pield Test Section.

5. Investi¢ations of a research nature conceming properties of plutonium
and thorium were rade, The plutcnium investigation was an inquiry into

the energy ard intensity of the x- ard gicma-rare fror plutcnium metal.

The results cf the inquiry,

cenbined wivn results cbtained by other

Sections of H-6 ir studies cf plutcnium retal, were presented in October

at an AECMe Healtn Physics ConZerence in Idaho Falla, In addition, a part
ef the results ba.ned intone Seetion were published in The Phyeical

O. |

Select target paragraph3