6 U.S. stations anf 62 in other emmtrias.
The wenitexing station spouncred by the Publis Health Servies in Albeny,
NoY., made Geiger cosrter penscrewets of exteru. and comerectiatian <.(
aise measured beta ectivtig in the aie by druing oir throug: a Site paper.
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per cubic meter af ole an Septesber 22, shout 15 tines the uermel bnckground.

the reading droppel te 9.1 en Saptenber 23, amd to 3.26 om September 24.

in Sev York CityxiéSeptenber to mid-October renged fren lens then 1 to
3.6 wleronicrocuriss par ochic mater ef cir.


Photo VeBs Public Health Servioy, end the it's Division af Bislegy and Hedicine

ether amnitering stations — are well below thote which would be
hesardons te hepith,


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