
Safety precautions:


A rediological safety nonitor will be provided

for cach flight.

For flights one and two, efter erch shot,

represcntc tives of LASL and UCRL, who accompany each of those
flights, will act as rediologicai scfety monitors.
For the

third cnd fourth flights,

after eoch shot, the sample project

officer appointcd by Cote SEVEN will act as rod-sefe nonitor
cs outlined in 3b above,

The radiological samples will be stored in the
aircreft so as to nininize the radiation exposure to ell
The radiological monitor of TG 7.4 who inspects
the aircreft cfter loceding at Eniwctok will mcke @ line on tho
floor of the aircraft indiceting the level of radiation bcyond

which passengers will not ride. He will instruct the rad-safe
monitor for cech flight that cll personnel are to renain outside this line as nuch as possible.

Appropriate instructions will be issued to pas- *
sengers to insure that cll eboard are aware of the ne-ture of
the samples and that under no conditions will cnyonc sit or

recline on top of, or in the eroa innedictely adjacent to the
scoples thensclves.

Enorgency Proccdurcs.

In the event of in-flight emergency,
commander is cuthorized to meke cmerguncy disposal

logiccel sanples.

the aircrart
of the radio-

If at 211 possible, coneurrenee will be ob-

tained fron the scanple project officer or scicntific project
personnel before disposcl of samplcs is made.

In the event emergency disposal is made, CJTFSEVEN will be notificd by the aircreft commnndcr at the car~
liest opportunity, giving detailed explanations.

Corgo and Passingers.

. a.
No cargo, other than radiologicel senples, will
be pernitted on sanple return flights.

Requests for passcngcrs to return to ZI by semple

roturn flight will be subnittcd by cll Task Groups to CJTF-

SEVEN not lecteur than 12 hours chead of scheduled deperture tinc.
The passenger lists nust have the concurrence of the commander
of the task group coneerned.
In the event that there cre morc

requests than there is space evailable, the Commander, Joint

Task Force SEVEN will decide which individuels will roturn Qn

board cach circraft.

All crrengcrnients for passengcrs end cargo

will be nadc by CJTF~SEVEN,


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Select target paragraph3