CTG 7.1.

J-4, TG 7.1 will:

(1) Take charge of the logisticcl support for
This will include:

Having officers at the Zniwetok and

TARE nirstrips to trke charge of unloading the samples fron
the Ce? or other cirereft.
He will supervisc plecing then

in storage in the FRED compound, «board sample return aircraft,

or transport them to PARRY es required.


Have this officer take cherge of rce-

moving the samples from tne compound or trensporting then fren
PERXY and placing them aboard the sample return cirereft to
the ZI.

(c) Make a complete listing of cach separetcly boxcd sanple end obtain the following information:

Rediation levol of sample.
Project heaving ownership of sarnplic.
Destinetion of sanple.



Number of containers for each


Weight, size end cube cf sample.





Type of sample.

Monitors endfor couriers on cireraft.


Arrenge for cquipment and personnel to


Make up boxes prior to shot tine for

be present at FRED and TARE et the required times in order to
complete his nission.
packaging samples if required by TG 7.1 Froject Officers.


Upon departure of cach semple return cir-

ereft, and in conjunction with the TG 7.1 Sample Return Officer,

send Operetional Priority messages to Headquarters TG 7.1 Rear
and to each continental scicntifiec organization concerned
(with information copics to JTF SEVEN, Forward and Rear, and

LNO's) informing them of the aircraft number, itinerary of

circraft, laboratories having samples cboard, weight, number

and cube of each installations semples, type of samples, nancs

of couriers and/or monitors aboard and estimated time of arrival at the perticulcr destinations at which samples are to
be delivered and any special requirenents for the samples at
their dcstinations.

Select target paragraph3