H. J. Peyton


NOV 16 1970

On October 22, Conard and I met with Oscar DeBrum, T. T. District

Administrator of the Marshall Islands, and Ray McKay, Assistant



After the usual amenities we discussed the purpose of our

We also brought out that Dr. Ed Held of the University of

Washington wanted to go to Rongelap at the same time Conard's team
goes there. Oscar DeBrum advised the Marshall Islands District
was in better shape transportation-wise. They could now schedule
and furnish transportation for the survey.

It. was agreed the T,. T.

would schedule the "U Boat” to carry’ the equipment, medical kits,
other supplies and the advance party to Rongelap.

give our items first priority over other cargo.

The T. T. would

The "U Boat"

could also accommodate Ed Held and two others who will take some

bottom samples from the lagoon at Rongelap before they go on to
The T. T. will also arrange for the flights through a
local aviation firm to take the doctors to Rongelap and Utirik.

The T. T, will also schedule a ship, either the M. V. Cooke or the

Yap Islander, to return the advance party and equipment to Kwajalein.

Oscar DeBrum advised the patient

had come from Jaluit to Majuro

and was available for examination.
Later thet day Conard and I met
with Dr.'s John Iman and Ezra Ricklon and discussed the hiring of
one of their medically trained employees to be stationed on Rongelap
and assist with the AEC thyroid program,
The costs of the salary

and expenses for this employee would be reimbursed to the T. T. by
the AEC. John and Ezra approved of this idea but stated they could
only spare a Senior Health Aide from their organization.


indicated that he hoped he could get a man with a more medical
training, but if John and Ezra would recommend the man, Conard

would accept him.

John Iman said he would bring three qualified

senior Health Aides to the hotel and Conard could interview them
and make his choice of the one to go to Rongelap.

October 23 was a holiday in Micronesia; however, we were able to

send a radio message to Kwajalein requesting they advise the interested individuals by TWX that
would not be coming to Honolulu.
John Iman brought the three Senior Health Aides to the hotel for
All three candidates were equally qualified and all

wanted the job.

After the interview, Conard advised them to decide

among themselves on which one would go to Rongelap.

they would discuss it and let him know.

They stated

The balance of the day was

spent with various individuals discussing items relating to the


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Arrangements were made for Conard to examine the thyroid patient
at the high school.
The examination determined that
did not require immediate surgery; however, she would be reexamined
in February and the decision made at that time, if an operation is



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