H. J. Peyton


NOV 16 1970

Also discussed were items which Conard and I planned to

discuss with representatives of the Trust Territory, US Army and

Global Associates during our trip to Micronesia.

I also advised

Hills and Dryden that some assistance might be required of them

for the admittance of an exposed Rongelapesi patient to Tripler

Hills had made reservations at the Kuhio Hotel for us and provided

a Government car for our use while in Honolulu. Airplane reservations and tickets were ready for continuation of our trip.
I con-

tacted Bob Law, Trust Territory Liaison Officer at Honolulu, and

made him aware of our plans and schedule, and arranged for Conard
and myself to meet with him prior to our leaving for Micronesia.
Law indicated that as far as he knew the commercial air service
within the Marshalls was not yet in operation.
Law also stated he
had been brought to Majuro or if
did not know if the patient
she was still on Jaluit.
Conard arrived in Honolulu at 9:30 p.m., Saturday October 17; I
met him at the airport and then went on to the hotel.

Monday, October 19, discussions were held with Col. Reid of Tripler
Hospital and Bob Law relative to the arrangement for surgery on the

thyroid patient
. Conard advised that after examination of
the patient, a TWX would be sént to let them know if the arrangements for the surgery should be finalized or cancelled. Conard and
I went to Hickam AFB where we departed Honolulu on MAC flight at
1:30 p.m. and arrived in Kwajalein at 5:30 p.m.
That evening

Conard and I met with Col. Don Miller, Commanding Officer, Kwajalein
Missile Range; Bob Haley and Frank Robison of the US Army; Murph
Ownby, T. T. representative on Kwajalein; and Frank Granich, Tom
Hardeson and Gene Sims of Global Associates.
We briefly discussed
the purpose of our trip and the support items needed from the Army
through Global Associates.
Col. Miller advised they would continue
to support the survey program and if any additional assistance

were needed, we should contact him or Frank Granich and they
would do whatever possible.

On October 20, Conard went to Ebeye to meet with the T, T. medical
personnel and to see several of the exposed people now living on


I remained on Kwajalein and met with Frank Granich and

Murph Ownby to work out the schedule, transportation requirements,
supplies, payment and other details for the forthcoming survey,

Conard and I departed Kwajalein at 4:4o Pom. and arrived at

Majuro at 5:30 p.m., October 21.



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