Dr. Bruce W. Wachholz
June &, 1981
Page 2

In my opinion, Jan Naidu's data and experience would be of more value to
LLL than BNL. In fact, I see little justification in his type of work at

BNL in view of the previous guidance to BNL on environmental sampling and

surveys. I would suggest the funding be expended in error analysis of the
dose reassessment programs. I think DOE-HTQ's is on the right track in
directing BNL toward the whole-body counting, bioassay work, and development
of reassessment models and less along the environmental sampling.

samples, etc. available to BNL from the 13 Atoll] Survey?

Are soil

If not, how useful

is the activity data measured by LLL to the BNL reassessment work?
another reason for more exchange between BNL and LLL.

This is

Considering the political and libelling implications involved in this work I

consider it only fair to the American taxpayer that DOE-HTQ's at least be

sent an information copy of any work to be published from this group.
should also have a tighter internal review than what I think some of it has
Both of these processes, although admittedly a hassel, could
had in the past.

likely save embarrassment not only to DOE but also to BNL.
Sincerely yours,

Cas EzYer

C. W. Francis, Senior Research Scientist
Environmental Sciences Division
Building 1505

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