water normal comfitions are know.

‘Thes, the initial work

{neluded experimental asdpying methods in order to measure the
asal metabolion® and GBs overell trophic er "feed-chain®
structure of a ceral reef cowmmnity ae a whole not affected
by muclear exrlesions. Tis was similar to essaying the netabolian

of animale or hwasne wader normal conditions.

Por example,

it was found that a healthy Eniwetok reef had a vroduction rate

of about 74,000 vounds of glucose (a eugar) ver acre ver year,

This exceeds man's best agricultural efforts in aost parts of
the world. ‘The critieal asray methods devised can be completed
in a few weeks. The significant changes im this measurable
“basal community oroduetion rete® can readily be ebserved
1f important effects are produced.

These assays revealed that corals andthe algae growing in the
ekelston of the coral colony live together te thelr autus)

advantage {apmbicsis),

Although cbservations of skeletal

algae were made previously, this is the first study to deternine
emantitatively the amount of algze present in different species

of corals.

A very definite rutio between algal (plant) and

corel (animal) tisewe was found. The amount of plant tissue
was greater than the amount of animal tissue per unit of surface
area. Thies marked development of syutiogis between plant and
animal components achieves exeellent "conservation® and cyelie
use end reuse of orities] mutrients. This enables the corel
reef te aehieve a high rate of vreductivity in waters ich in
themeelves have a very low fertility.
These results are signifieant in physiological applications
to other vlants and animals whieh man requires for foed. They
orevide a frrtile field fer selentifie study of nuclear radistion
effects on the "metabolion" of highly integrated systens.
The Wiclegieal assaye will be extended fer related research
investigations carried on by the ABC. Gellege or university
Biologists, and the Oemulssien eontrasters interested in radiclegical
data of this type are invited to partibipate, using the facilities
of the Marine BMologieal Laberatery.




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