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Miyake, Y

Sug:ira and K. Kameda

Vol. V No

temperature, 27.1 C, the chlorinit)
19 2594, and o,, 22.51 at 50m depth.
oticr nand the water system 8B, o the southern side of the [ine had T.
Cl. 4 34%, and «, 22 U9.
hus, it seems tnat there was a slight but
jurct in the between tw: witer systems, which might be one
causes ¢f the branching


On the
of the

Te radioactive water flowing on the main direction of the North Equatorial
Currert extended Sooner towurd ‘le west than in the southern part where the
ow rite was smaller because the jatter was near the boundary between the North
Rg iater-al Current and the Eo carorttl Counter Current and there was also the op-

pressier due to the nerth-eastward inclination of the Equatorial Counter Current.

Tras oF the WNWdirection the activity of 100 cpm / reached as
from Bekiri Atoll, wrile on the WoS‘\V direction the extension was
It is te be neted that the radiooct:vity was also detected at the
80b xr: from Bikini on the ENE cbrection
This is the end part of

ifyocostsbution *)

far as 2000km
ontiy T@00 km.
position 700~
the radioactiv-

the eat at about 250km north of Bikini Atoll


clarify the cause of rhis turning on the backward direction of the North
Ecuator al Current may ce oe of "he :..portant problems.
MPoueh it is not clear at present, woether it was the extention of the easterly

eurrert alorg the northery ‘eundacy of tae North Equatorial Current which was
foind recently between “s0SR~ uO Woo. or ait was only the local eddy, several
diseuss ons will be done velow on his point.

Wher we inveStigate the horizontal distribution of water svstems near Bikini

Avcll bh. using the Tes diiervacns of waters at the depth of 50m beiow the surface.
weocan toad out that there ore atieast four different types uf waters Fig 4:. The
first one Aus bighly salive water chlerimty 1934, water temperature, 27.5°C,
go 2277 coveriag the areu northern than 1S°N
I che southern part of che atell there is the second tyre of water C which
belongs te the Equatoria, Gunter Current with smailer chiorimity C1, 18.9%) and
hoagher temperature: TL 6
he turd one B belongs to the North Equatorial
Current representing the . termed ate property between A and C. In the southern
part of the water C. there extese tie water DY of tne South Equatorial Current
with bhagher culormmity. Cl i+ 6%
ond higher temperature T, 28.0°C..
The water Bomav bec lassite
rt ta. sus-eroups B, and B, as mentioned
As shown on Fig. i the cast part of B was comparatively broad and it
became narrower on approa.cing uo the west. it was probably due to that at
the time the boundary between waters B and C somewhat inclined to the north.

Therefore, the North Equatorial Current was pressed »y the Equatorial Counter
Current and the backward current flowing toward the north-east direction of
Bikini Atoll would have deen resiited.
The observation of the curren’ direction obtained in stfu also suggests the
preseme of counter or eddv current in the same area
I[t is, however. not sure

whether this current would form ‘he crgin of the general easterly current as
mentioned above.
On the other hand, a

remarkable loop of the isochlor

surface distribution of the chloririty -Fig. 5

lines shown in the

in the northern area of Bikini also

indicates the presence of eddv Rea
As shown in Figs. 6 and 7. 1: the vertical distributions of phosphate and the

dissolved «xygen along 15°N

thee was the subsidence in the area near 15°N,


Select target paragraph3