ee El

total radiostrestium, 0 »

normal’ strontium, and radium in a
sample types, Where radioactive measurements were involved it

variety of

sary thet the chemical procedures produce samples suitable for
ing equipment available in the laboratory,

For this reason th

ee Oe

which were developed were designed to handle relatively large

In uptake studies, where relative values between different s

@ types


taken in the same location were to be analysed, the determinat
radiostrontius was preferable because of the relatively high aokivrity

compared with $r°9 alone,

In some oases, the min purpose of

required $r9° determinations and, where necessary, this was do

With the lower activity levels of Sxr9° the confidence in the r

reduced as is shown by the counting errors given with each ana

result. It should be emphasized that the lower oonfidence is
matter of counting atatistios and is not related to confidence
chemical methods used to prepare samples.


ely a

The determination of total radiostrontium, Sr?° and normal atrd@ntium all

require separation of strontiom fraa the sample matrix,

Ou edperience

indicates that the most satisfaatory method is the preoipitatidn of

strontium, with added carrier if necessary, from 75% nitrio acd solution.

This yields a olean precipitation which is readily collected
for cougting of total radiostrontium or for the further trea
for Sr9° or normal strontium determination, Different sample


majority of our semples could be olassified as soil, bone, veggtation and
liquids (milk, water, urine and the like). The preliminary se

quantity of nitrates obtained, Two nitrate separations are al¥ays
formed and where the bulk of the mtrix mterial is high, an agditional
- separation may be required.
The final nitrate precipitate my be direotly oounted for tote


This precipitate my then be analyzed for its Sr9

by measurement of the Y?° daughter in equilibrium with the S3r°P. After

h requires

approximately 12 days, yy my be separated by an enmonium hydroxide
precipitation with lanthanium carrier. This precipitate is oofleoted on

a filter for counting.


meee Bt

wm we ts

allowing the yield to build up in the nitrate precipitate,

Thedetails of all the analytical procedures used in obtaining resulta
for this report are given in Appendix A,




Select target paragraph3