oth Sx89 and Y9° are measured by beta counting,

collected on 1-1/8 inch paper or glass filters.

The precipitates are

‘The filters ade mounted

on Traceriad brass ring-endediso holders, end covered with 0.

eiim. This shows negligible absorption and prevents contaminafion and
lose of samples during handling.

Counting is performed with 1] inch diameter Anton flat halogentubes mounted in simple lead oasties. The background sounting
theese counters is maintained at #1x counts per minute and the

at about I8-cOk.
sidered to be

Higher efficiencies sould be obtained but ar


The sowmters are standardized with

carbonate mounted on the same holders,

A 0,200 gram quantity

carbomate which should show 163 dfain (fram the £t° oontent)
counting rates for standardizatior,


The counting times were of the order of 30 minutes for tackgr

ani all results are reported with the standard deviations cals
the error cf the sample when the background error is taken int


s suitable

d and samples

Figures 1 to 5 show the 23 values for background conting rates

8 o/min and counting times of 30, 60 and 120 minutes where the bample and

background counting times are equal,

(In our normal work, 28

vpluse are

used, but in this report, the le deviations are reported to conform with
ceneral usage).

Y90 samples are followed for deony for identification purposes
activity, if any, is subtracted from the total Y. Y°° aisinte

are determined ty extrapolation back to the tims of separation
gr 90 parent but are not corrected for self-<absarption by the s
identification fs possible by absorption measurements when the

sufficiently active,

Some samples were analyzed for normal atrontiim in order to at
“ale by plants and animals, The nitrate procedure is used for
of strontium from massive amounts of caloiim and other elements

carrier camot, of course, be used in this procedure but it hasibeen found

possible to obtain good recoveries with a barium carrier. The
precipitate is dissolved and analyzed for atrontiun with the f


Radijun analyses Were run on many of the samples. All semples e

were analyzed by the standard method of coprecipitation of the
With barium sulphate and alpha counting. ‘This treatment is not
for soils, so a new procedure was devised in which the radium ig ace
precipitated with the heavy metals by ammonium hydroxide and sodium care
donate and the daughter product, radon, measured in ou standard


Newer methods of analyses are in the development stage but have

fict been

ionization ohambers.

uted on any of the samples reported in this paper as it was fel

standardization was very important where many results are to be
with one another. As noted sarlier, the complete analytical pr
are given in Appendix A.

00131986 O10



Select target paragraph3