


sampling sites for DOE. These studies proved useful in planning th,

cleanup and rehabilitation of Enewetak. The most valuable by-products of

PACE and EXPOEfor the cleanup project were geological data for the
selection of quarry sites and design of crater containment for radiologic
contamination, and soil chemistry analyses applicable to contaminatedsoi

surveys. 73

In September 1973, LTG Dunn completed his 3-year assignmentas

Director, DNA and was replaced by Lieutenant General Warren DP.

Johnson, USAF, who had been at the Agencysince July 1973 as Deputy
Director for Operations and Administration. The new Director was

confronted by a new mission. The Air Force proposed that DNA assume
responsibility for operation and maintenance of the austere base camp at

Enewetak Atoll.?4.75 LTG Johnson did not concur and presented DNA’s
case to the ASD(ISA). The Agency had transferred the last ofits

installations to the Military Services in July 1971, based on a Secretary of
Defensepolicy decision that DNA would not operateinstallations.’ The
Air Force was proposing that an exception be madein this case, and DNA

did not have the resources to managea base. In July 1973, the Air Force
had transferred managementof Johnston Atoll to DNA, and now,before
DNA had time to assimilate that new mission, the Air Force was
proposing to transfer another installation. Nevertheless, ASD(ISA)

decided to transfer Enewetak Atoll to DNA,’? and the change of
responsibility occurred on | January 1974. In accepting the mission, DNA

and the Air Force agreed to the transfer of three Air Force manpower

positions to help manage the new missionin the Pacific. 78

Formal guidance on funding responsibility was received from OMB on

18 October 1973, in a memorandum which confirmed the decisions made

during the previous year (see ‘‘Assignment of Responsibilities,’’ above).

It recognized the incomplete state of planning for cleanup and
rehabilitation but advised the agencies to request sufficient funds to

initiate some cleanupeffort in FY 1975 to show continuing Administration
commitmentto the cleanup and rehabilitation of the atoll. The FY 1975
President’s Budget was to reflect the following agency responsibilities:
DOD for maintaining ongoing facilities and operations in Enewetak and
for cleanup operations; DOI for rehabilitation; and AEC for radiological

monitoring and survey. 79

Select target paragraph3