“Planning and Programming
Ci/g. For concentrations in the range of 40-400 pCi/g, deci:
than 40p made on a case-by-case basis, considering the potentialis
should be

the plutonium concentration near the ground surface, the pote
Se sion, and the amount of effort involved in removing soil.

(ore NVO-I40 Report had presented integrated dose estimates
Task Group ado
riods of time ranging from 5 to 70 years. Since the
* nual rate criteria to evaluate estimates, additional calculations '
in the ©
nade, and the results of these calculations were included

Group Report. Additionally, doses were estimated for bone mar:
rather than entire bone as had been done for the NVO-140 Report.


The Task Group Report added the dose estimates in numerous wa)

obtain total estimates for various living patterns. The living patterns \

structured to include preferences expressed by the dri-Enewetak

combining estimates to produce total dose, the Task Group Reportte
the improvements gained by adding clean soil to contaminated soil
plowing contaminated soil, and by restricting the growing of certain cr
The Task Group Report was not enthusiastic about these alternative

about soil removal as a dependable and feasible method for reducing |

via the dietary pathway. 66

After comparing dose estimates against adopted criteria,



considering the desires of the dri-Enewetak, the Task Group Re
recommended a living pattern which would not actually require

cleanup. Key features ofthis living pattern were that:

a. Residence and agriculture (except coconuts) would be restricte
b. Coconuts could be grown on northeastislands for subsistence
commercial purposes.
c. Fishing could be conducted anywhere.

d. Any island except Runit could be visited.

Minimum cleanup recommendations were offered to provide be

assurance that the dose for the recommendedliving pattern woulc
minimized. These recommendations werethat:
a. All radioactive scrap metal be removed.
b. Contaminated debris in ‘‘burial sites’” be removed.
c. Runit be quarantined until plutonium contamination thereon

d. Plutonium contamination on Runit and Bokenbe removed.
The AEC Task Group Reportalso recommendedthatadditional stu
be conducted prior to rehabilitation to determine radioactivity in coc
and other food crops, in lens water, and in air under condit

approximating humanhabitation; and thatafter rehabilitation, contin


Select target paragraph3