p Operatio
Soil Cfeanu
was completed, the western area was reexcavated and the
was sampled again. Approximately 1,200 additional cubic yards of
bottom e excavated from this area and removed to Runit.

soil wer excavation within the enclosure was complete, DOE-ERSP
Aner that the 14 areas (Figure 7-35) which had required additionalsoil
reques | be covered with a stabilizing soil-cement mixture to prevent the

f any of this contaminated soil to the surface. Thesoil-cement
was prepared outside the enclosure by mixing cement with backfill sand
‘aproximately four bags per cubic yard). The soil-cement mixture was
migration oO

laced on the bottom with the clamshell. The clamsheil was carefully
ne alled by a guide who directed the crane operator to place the mixture

er the 14 points as precisely as possible. Subsequent investigation

revealed that the soil-cement mixture did form a rigid coating. Upon the

completion of placement of soil-cement mixture, the final backfill
operation in the sheet pile enclosure began.

While the established radiation protection program was adequate for a

large portion of the excavation operation, certain aspects peculiar to the
excavation required special attention. Enewetak Standing Operating

Procedure 608-14, Radiation Safety at the Aomon Crypt Excavation Site,

was written to address the special requirement. The Aomonhotline, which
was near the crypt, was manned bynot less than two FRST members. The
FRST operated a standard hotline point at the Bijire end of the causeway,
employing standard radiological safety and control procedures. When
operations were underway, a FRST member was always present to insure

\hat appropriate radiation safety procedures were being followed and to

monitor personnel, equipment, and debris for radioactive contamination.

An additional FRST member was also present whenever drilling
operations were underway. Becausethe soil and debris were saturated with

water upon being removed from the crypt, protective masks normally
were not required during excavation. However, when the drier soil was
being moved from the crypt area to the stockpile and from the stockpile to
the Cactus Crater, additional precautions were taken, such as requiring the

dump truck drivers and bucket loader operators to wear protective masks.
Air sampling was done in accordance with established procedures, with
five air samplers being used: one at the Aomon hotline; one downwind of
the temporary soil stockpile in the crypt; one downwind on Aomon;and
two in the area of ongoing operations. Handling of debris by personnel,
rather than by machine, was kept to a minimumto avoid the possibility of
a person being cut and the wound becoming contaminated. When

Select target paragraph3