

The fauna of Enewetak may be divided. tor convenience, Into three
groups according to their habitat: sea. land. or air. Certainly. the sea life js
the most numerous in variety and number. In 1953. there were some 700

species of fish alone reported in the waters ofthe lagoon and surrounding
ocean.!* In addition to fish, edible sea fauna includes crabs. lobsters. seg
turtles, clams, and oysters.

Besides domesticated dogs, mammals are limited to three species, two
of rats and one house mouse. Reptiles include at least four species of
geckoes, three skinks, a blind snake, and a monitor lizard introduced by
the Japanese to control rats. The turtles are the green and the hawkbiil,
both inhabitants of the sea. Invertebrates include snails, nocturnal crabs,
centipedes, scorpions, spiders, and other insects of considerable variety

including cockroaches, scale insects, termites, fruit beetles, fruit flies,
ants, and others. !6

Thirty-two species of birds have been reported from Enewetak Atoll
including seabirds, shorebirds, a heron, a cuckoo, and domestic fowl. Of
these, nine are definitely known to breed on the islands, and six others are
suspected to do so but have not been observed with nests or young
birds.!7 Some of these birds serve as food sources in the form of meat or
eggs. It will be recounted later in this documentary how concern over the
nesting of one species of bird delayed progress in cleaning up
contaminated soil. Figure |-25 illustrates the density of bird population on

oneisland of the atoll.


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