free of ferric interference. The effects of the causeway’s steel Support
membersandretaining wall were found to be minimal beyond about 10

meters. The actual measurements offield intensity were made on the

existing grid with at least three samples taken at each node to minimize
erroneous readings. At each point, a numberfrom oneto ten wasassigneg

(the higher the number, the greater the probability of ferrous metal),

Theresults of this survey are shown at Figure 7-29. As was expressed by
U.S. Oceanography, the magnetometer can be used to give very rough

estimates of ferric material present. Notwithstanding this uncertainty, the

use of the magnetometer survey data in combination with other survey

results greatly assisted in the overall project.

Deep-drill sampling was conducted by personnel from the U.S. Army
Engineer District, Mobile, Alabama, from 26 November 1978 to 14
January 1979 (Figure 7-30). The primary purpose wasto locate the areas of
soil contamination in the crypt area. To achieve this objective, soil samples
were extracted at the nodes of the preestablished 5-by-S-meter grid at

depth intervals of 2 feet. Drilling proceeded until the drill bit struck either
the base coral reef or metal. This data, when combined with the

magnetometer survey, gave a better approximation of the location of

buried debris. The samples gathered were field screened using the IMP
and analyzed through chemical analysis at the radiological laboratory on
Enewetak Island. Horizontal locations of the contaminated soil above 400

pCi/g (disregarding depth) (Figure 7-31) and the estimates of debris
locations from drilling (Figure 7-32) were used in conjunction with the

magnetometer survey for further exploratory activities and designation of
the sheet pile containmentarea.

The objective of the Aomon Crypt Project was to removeail debris and
subsurface contaminated soil above 400 pCi/g. The Bair Committee had
‘determined that the AomonCrypt wasa special case; the 160 pCi/gcriteria

for subsurface contamination should not apply. As a result of the
exploratory efforts, it was concluded that a sheet pile enclosure would be
required for excavation of the heavily contaminated soil and debris around

the center (node 45NE25) of the 5-by-5-metergrid system (Figure 7-33).

With two exceptions, no other soil contamination was found above 400

Select target paragraph3