Soil Cleanup


Boken was the site of the Seminole test during the Redwing ser

linking Boken to
large, water-filled crater. The sandspit
which left aBokaidrikdr
ik (Helen), most of which was destroyed, enlar
the two now appear to be
ro the point that, for practical purposes,
‘sland. The island was affected by the Mike and Koa thermonuclearte.
ys well as by three barge shots conducted in the Mike Crater.
The DOE-ERSP fine soil survey of Boken began in September I‘

Results of the survey were furnished to Field Command on 27 April 19
In situ data indicated that the island surface met requirements for
designated use as a4 food-gathering island without any soil clean:
however, the area around the edge of Seminole Crater was considere
probable contaminated soil burial site. Therefore, extensive subsurf:
sampling was conducted by DOE-ERSP,resulting in the first requirem:
for soil removal from Boken.In the vicinity of grid node I3NI, there w:
three areas, varying in depths from 20 centimeters to 120 centimete
where the average Subsurface contamination over one-sixteenth hect

was greater than 160 pCi/g (Figure 7-21). Soil profile data from |
sidewalls of trenches dug by backhoes indicated that over !50 cubic ya:
of surface soil and over 800 cubic yards of subsurface soil exceeded 4


Select target paragraph3