In August 1978, the Bair Committee visited the atoll and was askeg

guidance on several matters, including the stringency of the 40-89. or

pCi/g criteria for residential, agricultural, and food-gathering islands Th

Bair Committee responded that every effort must be expended to reach
these levels and that only after it is clearly shown that theselevels

be reached should a reconsideration be made.!3.!4


DOE-ERSP extracted soil samples from the Easy and X-Ray GZ areas
on northwest Enjebi (Figure 7-8). Some 740 samples were taken from the

sidewalls of trenches dug by backhoes to a depth of 120 centimeters (4
feet). On 30 September 1978, DOE-ERSP reported that the two areas had
subsurface transuranics greater than 160 pCi/g, thereby exceeding Fielg
Command’s Operations Plan (OPLAN) Condition D. It was estimateg that
1,300 cubic yards of soil would have to be removed to a depth of

approximately 100 centimeters (3.3 feet). 15


On 3-6 October 1978, the Deputy Director, DNA, Major Genera
Richard N. Cody, USAF, reviewed Enjebi soil cleanup operations at the

atoll and decided to continue cleanup to 40 pCi/g surface levels
Approximately 12,621 cubic yards of soil above 45 pCi/g were removeg

between 24 August and 21 October 1978.

A fine grid (25 meters) IMP survey in early November 1978 revealed

new areas requiring excision, even though 50-meter grid IMP data and

Statistical analysis had indicated, with 70 percent confidence, that such
excision would not be required. This increase amountedto approximately
5,200 cubic yards. In addition, 29 areas over 40 pCi/g were identified. Soi

removal operations continued with another 17,694 cubic yardsofsoil being

removed from these locations to reduce surface contamination from 45 to

40 pCi/g. In addition, 2,600 cubic yards were removed from subsurface

areas to bring them to less than 160 pCi/g. A total of 52,187 cubic yards of

soil had been removed from theisland when the Enjebi cleanup forces

were redeployed on 2! April 1979, having completed all but the LLL tree

farm and plowing experiment (Plow-X)areas. !6.17.18

A weeklater, DOE-ERSP notified the CJTG that the Plow-X area could

be cleaned. Soil cleanup in the Plow-X area was completed on 9 May 1979,

resulting in the removal of another 820 cubic yards. This completed the
Enjebi soil cleanup operation. Photographs of Enjebi before and after
cleanup operations are at Figures 7-12, and 7-13. The final DOE-ERSP
certificate indicated that, based on one-quarter hectare averaging, 97

percent of the island was less than 40 pCi/g (surface condition). A few

areas, well distributed over the island, exceeded 40 pCi/g, but none


Select target paragraph3