Various means of loading were attempted, and all were foung

satisfactory. The only differences were in thefinal load volume and loadin
time. The primary meansof loading the LCU was by 5- and 20-ton dum

trucks (Figure 7-3). In each case, the average load was 100 to 120 Cubic

yards per bulk-haul boat, versus 48 to 60 cubic yards when carrying loadeg
20-ton trucks. The maximum rated load capacity of the bulk-haul Lcy ig
approximately 150 tons. However, due to the modifications required on the

LCU, the soil box capacity was reduced to approximately 120 tons, Since

soil weight varied from island to island because of composition and Water
content (0.98 to 1.2 tons per cubic yard), boat capacity also varied.
The LCM-8 was loaded using 5- and 20-ton dumptrucks, and 2-1/2. and
5-cubic-yard bucket loaders (Figure 7-4). The loading equipmentused on
the various islands was constrained by availability of equipment ang

surface trafficability on the cleanup islands. The 5-ton dump trucx

provided the smallest soil load per LCM-8, as only seven truckloads were

possible for a maximum load of 28 cubic yards. Becauseoftheir all-whee;

drive capability, the 5-ton trucks were essential where fine sand, such as

that on the island of Lujor (Pearl), precluded use of the 20-ton trucks
Using the 20-ton dump truck provided a maximum load of 32 cubic yards
or four truckloads per LCM-8. The 2-1/2-cubic-yard bucket loader could

provide a load of 32 to 35 cubic yards. However, it was not used

extensively due to its limited availability. The 5-cubic-yard bucket loader

provided the maximum load for the LCM-8, 52 to 56 cubic yardsofsoil,

This was accomplished becauseit had a higher and longerreach and could
better balance the load for vessel stability. This item of equipmentwasnot
used in the loading processing until the Lujor cleanup because those
available were required at Runit for the offload operation.

The average load carried by the LCM-8 using the bulk-haul
configuration was 30 to 35 cubic yards versus 8 to 10 cubic yards when
transporting the 20-ton dumptruck. The maximum rated load capacity of
the LCM-8 was approximately 60 tons. For offload, the 5-cubic-yard
bucket loader was the mostefficient in terms of time. The time required
was increased considerably when the 2-1/2-cubic-yard bucket loader had to

be used to offload (Figure 7-5).

All boats used for transportation of contaminated soil were considered
to be radiologically controlled areas, whether used for truck-haulor bulk-

haul of the soil. The radiological control procedures which had been

Select target paragraph3