


e. Minimize deviations from the EIS which might require amendments
and delays.

f. Maximize compatibility with the TTPI Rehabilitation/ Resettlemen,

g. Assuming that the new proposed EPA guidelines on transuranics ang
dose criteria for the continental United States were adopted (ang

were to be applicable to Enewetak), minimize deviations from these
criteria in order to avoid problems encounteredat Bikini (lawsuits

delays, recleanup, exposure).87

Field Commandnext presented a series of briefings on the status of the
project. Debris cleanup had begun on schedule and was now well ahead of
schedule because resources which would have been used on soil remova|
were instead accomplishing debris cleanup. The forces were running out of
debris work in the north and some were being assigned lower priority work
in the southern islands to keep them occupied. The only majorlag was soij

cleanup (Figure 6-14).88

Details on the status of manpower, equipment and funds were
presented. The data showed clearly that the resources were on hand to

accomplish soil removal and containmentin Cactus Crater. The Army and
DNA already had invested over $3 million for crater containment

equipmentand construction on Runit. Funds wereavailable to contain at
least 145,000 cubic yards of contaminatedsoil.89

A detailed briefing was presented on the crater containment design by

the Corps of Engineers Pacific Ocean Division (POD). POD had

developed a flexible design, based on using one crater, which would
accommodate 200,000 cubic yards in the Cactus Crater.29 A circular

configuration provided for containment of from 29,000 cubic yards up to

116,000 cubic yards. Once the optimum height had been achieved,
elongating the structure would permit the additional containmentup to

200,000 cubic yards. The POD design provided for completion of the
tremie operation and, based on an estimate of remaining soil to be

encapsulated, an attempt would be madeto define the height to which the

structure must be constructed and whether or not elongation would be

necessary. In terms of economy of time and funds, and considering that

the tremie fill of the crater would follow the crater contours, the options
favored using the circular configuration ifat all possible.9!
The evolution of soil cleanup criteria was reviewed from the AEC Task
Group Report through the latest Bair Committee report, showing how the
AEC/DOEguidelines had become more stringent and better defined.

Whatoriginally was a requirement to removeall concentrations over 400

Select target paragraph3