

excision areas. The layout was verified by the Officer in Charge of the

USAE unit scheduled to accomplish the excision. Theinitial survey, whicy


had to be completed before the DOE IMP survey operation coulg be


carried out, consisted of establishing a 25- or 50-meter north-sourp,


points. Each island had several reference points which had been tied into
the worldwide coordinate system. A three- to four-man survey team, With
a FRST member asradiological escort, was required. When a soil lift areg
wasidentified, surveyors prepared a sketch of the area, brought elevation

orthogonal grid system which wastied into the island’s surveyreference

and position reference stakes to nearby locations, and establisheq

elevations over the excision area, generally using a 12-1/2- or 6-1/4-meter
grid. The sketches of the area became the mapsforsoil excision.
For the pilot soil removal project, the area around the Kickapoo test Gz

was surveyed and staked by USAE surveyors to mark the perimeter of

contamination which exceeded 40 pCi/g, as determined by thein sity

At the Kickapoo GZ area, another brush removal experiment was
conducted using the equipment previously tested at Enjebi. The front
loader and grader again proved unsatisfactory. Roots were left in place,
and wheel churning caused an unacceptable amountof soil disturbance.
The D8K dozer proved the mostsatisfactory equipmentfor soil removal at

the Kickapoo area (Figure 6-4). Ground surveyors estimated thatless than

30 cubic yards of soil were moved with the roots to the windrows of brush
using the dozer.
Later, at the Yuma GZ area, improved procedures were developed for

removing brush with the front loader (Figure 6-5). For small bushes or


brush, the loader with four-in-one bucket was used in a push mode. By
closing the bucket and pushing forward, keeping it about 6 inches above
ground, small bushes and brush could be cleared rapidly with minimalsoil
disturbance and little soil remaining in the vegetation pile. For larger
bushes, the four-in-one bucket was lowered over the bush and firmly
closed without cutting the bush. The bush was then lifted out of thesoil.
With the sandy soil conditions present, virtually all the soil fell from the
root system. Thereafter, the front loader was used for most brush removal
The uprooted vegetation was windrowed just outside the excision area.
When it was reasonably dry, normally after the main work force had

departed, it was doused with diesel fuel and burned in place. The ashes

were screened by the IMP and, if found to be contaminated, were
transported to Runit for entombment. If the ashes were not contaminated,
they were left in place for soil enrichment.



Select target paragraph3