Soil Clean? Planning

visit to the atoll, decided
978 when the Director, DNA,d during his
ashoul be conducted as quickly as possible.
January |
that a pilot avrpose was to verify that soil cleanup actually could be
The basic in that is, that surface contamination could be measured, that

ed up
secomp line xcision could be delineated, that a layer could be scrap
d be
an aes OF and that the resulting surface contaminat
and rem reduced. [mportant subsidiary purposes were to determine

significa equipment and procedures and to develop planning factors of

ypuma manpower for each step ofthe process. On 3 February 1978, the
eGrecommended Boken as the site for conducting the project. [t was

cr of the four islands specified in the EIS for soil cleanup. Runit still was

noite surveyed, and the in situ survey of Lujor had shown no

concentrations above 160 pCi/g, well below the 400 pCi/g guideline for

mandatory cleanup. The other island considered by the CJTG, Aomon,

Jid not require any mandatory soil cleanup according to the latest

Despite these considerations, Field Command disapproved the selection
of Boken because of its distance from Lojwa (Ursula) and Runit. After

dixcussions with LTC Briggs, Field Commandselected Aomon to be the

vite for the project in order to reduce the boat transport time between the
worksite, the Runit soil stockpile, and the Lojwa Base Camp, and because

the work site could be reached by truck from Lojwa. Director, DNA
approved Field Command’s choice. COL Treat identified some 2 dozen
sol cleanup activities for time-motion documentation to be used in

pinning how best to accomplish contaminated soil removal.62 It took

about 3 weeks to develop and coordinate a plan whichsatisfied all of these

requirements.o3 Work on the project began on March 1978, the day after

the plan was published.
The pilot soil removal project used soil cleanup procedures which had
been started on Enjebi in July 1977. The basic steps, after completion of the
DOE-ERSP surveys described in Chapter 4, were:

a. Identify the site and scope of work.

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_ Implement radiation safety and control procedures.
. Survey and stake the boundaries of the excision areas.
. Remove excess brush.
. Excise the area and windrow excised soil.
Resurvey excised area using the in situ van (IMP) and/or soil
y. Repeat steps e and f until contamination has been reduced to desired

h. Transport soil from windrowsto beach stockpiles.
|. Transport soil from beach stockpiles to stockpiles on Runit.

These steps are described in some detail in the following sections.


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