The cleanup of contaminated soil involved many more management anc

technical problems than did the cleanup of contaminated debris. The initia
strategy was to develop andtest soil survey and removal techniques during
the Mobilization Phase so that there would be no delay in beginning the
actual cleanup phase on 15 November 1972. The basic guidance had beer

set forth in Field Command Operations Plan (OPLAN) 600-77 and, ir

May and June, Field Command began developing priorities and schedule:
for the island-by-island cleanup operations.! Basically, the planners in the
Field Command’s Hawaii office and their counterparts in the 84tt
Engineer Battalion of the U.S. Army Support Command Hawai
(USASCH), working on atoll with the Environmental Research an
Development Agency (ERDA)-Enewetak Radiological Support Projec
(ERSP) managers, developed and refined proceduresfor inclusion in th
USASCH cleanup phase operations order. These procedures wouk
employa strategy of testing soil survey and removal techniques on Enjeb
(Janet) and then continuing cleanup work there to reduce plutoniun

concentrations to levels below 40 pico curies per gram (pCi/g), thereb

qualifying the island for residential/agricultural use once fission product
decayed to safe levels.2,3 Concurrent debris and soil surveys and cleanu|

then would proceed to the next island, Boken (Irene), then Lujor (Pearl)
then Aomon (Sally), leaving Runit (Yvonne) until last. Unknowns (o

which there were to be many) would be dealt with on a pragmatic basis a:
they were encountered. By conducting debris and soil cleanu
concurrently whenever possible, channel clearance, logistics, anc

transportation problems would be minimized.4.5-6 It was envisioned tha

all contaminated debris, including that from Runit, could be collected o:
Runit before tremie operations began so that it could be encased in thi
slurry. Concurrently, contaminated soil from the other islands would bi
stockpiled on Runit. When the stockpile was sufficiently large to sustail
operations, the tremie operation would begin. As the placement o
contaminated soil and debris and slurry reached the water line, an attemp
would be made to determine the amount of contaminated materiz
remaining to be contained so that a determination of the final size an

shape of the dome might be possible.’.8 It was assumed that, if thi

jee ee

strategy were followed, some resources would remain in the closin
monthsof the cleanup to tackle Runit surface contamination. The Defens


Select target paragraph3