Debris Cleanup


The planned use for Jinimt was food gathering.? Jinimi was

debris. d for debris removal on 6 June 1978.97
gece ple


Japtan is comprised of 79 acres and was used for recreation and to house

animals for use in nuclear effects tests. Later, during Operation Redwing,

tl became the radio receiver site for the atoll with a permanent 20-man
camp. Vegetation was extremely dense, especially in the eastern part of the
istand. Debris remaining from the test era included numerous concrete

‘labs. buildings, poles, posts, pipes, masts, cables, and the bow of a
wrecked ship. It was estimated there were 6,331 cubic yards of debris, all
noncontaminated, including 61 Master Index items. The ship’s bow, which
was blown on its side by the salvage contractor but not removed,

accounted for 3,900 cubic yards of the debris (Figure 5-28). The planned

use for Japtan was residence.?8

Debris cleanup began on 8 June 1978 and ended on 13 October 1978.

There were 1,290 cubic yards of debris removed, of which 500 cubic yards

were removed by scrap contractor.?? Photographs of Japtan before and

after cleanup and rehabilitation are at Figures 5-29 and 5-30.


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