



Debris Cleanup


nacentrating on those areas where the DOI/TTPI rehabilitation
In addition,
was due to begin preparing sites for construction.
Company C worked to repair damage from Typhoon Mary and Tropical

storm Nadine at Enewetak Camp, including the runwaytopiers.3!
Northern island debris cleanup had been expected

and B of the USAE occupied until late August 1978. However, by 3 June
1978, they had completed most of the northern island debris cleanup

except for the islands where soil cleanup also was required. The following

week, part of Company B was redeployed to Enewetak Camp and assigned

the task of assisting Company C in cleanup of the southern islands. Debris
cleanup on theislands of Boko (Sam), Munjor (Tom), Inedral (Uriah),

Jinedrol (Alvin), Jinimi (Clyde), and 60 percent of Ananij (Bruce) was

completed before the end of June 1978 when Company wasreassigned
to augment Company A for two-shift operations on Runit.82.83 Company
C continued the cleanup of the southwest islands, completing the last one,

Bokandretok (Walt), on 9 October 1979. The Army LARCs were

invaluable, in that they could negotiate wide expanses of shallow reef on

the lagoon side of the southwestislands to remove debris. Cleanup of the

southern islands is described, in approximate chronological order, in the

remaining sections of this chapter.

Boko has an area of less than | acre and was not usedas a scientific site

during the test era. Vegetation was sparse andtheisland wasfree of debris.
The planned use for Boko was food gathering.84 Boko was acceptedas free

of debris on 23 June 1978.85

Munjor contains 2 acres and was not usedfor scientific purposes during
the test era. Vegetation covered most of the island in thick clumps and

there was no debris. The planned use for Munjor was food gathering.6
Munjor was acceptedas free of debris on 23 June 1978.87

Inedral has a surface area of 4 acres and was not usedasa scientific site
during the test program. Vegetation was dense except for a few small
cleared areas. Debris consisted of two structures, the remains of a

Select target paragraph3