


Radiation Safety and Cleanup Prepar

volt Staplex air sampler, but it placed too great a drain on the
batteries. In April 1979, a member of the 7th RSAIT brought a 24-v

Staplex sampler to the atoll. This proved successful and, in mid-Jun

six more were procuredso that one could be placed on each LCM -

haul craft, replacing the noisy gasoline-driven model.

The bioassay program was used to detect and document ir

deposition of radioactive material which might have occurred tt
inhalation, ingestion, or skin penetration (i.e., wounds). The two pr

bioassay techniques used were the nasal smear (nose swipe

urinalysis. Procedures also were developed for taking and analyzin.
samples to document radiological uptake as the result of ingestion, |

samples were taken since fecal analyses were not required. Nasals

were used in plutonium-contaminated areas as the primary met
checking the adequacyof respiratory protection. Nasal smears were
when dirt was found inside the mask,indicating the possibility of|
when the alpha activity on an air samplerfilter exceeded one-tenth
MPC for unprotected personnel, whenever personnel entered a ra
area with the incorrect protective equipment; or when a proc
violation occurred, such as smoking in a radiation area or remo
mask. The action level for nasal smears was 60 cpm, or about 100 d;
While the nasal smear gives an immediate but rough indicatio
plutonium hazard andis a measureofparticles trapped in the nose,
not indicate if any or how much may have passed into the lung
urinalysis provides a better picture of total uptake. Any individual w
previous experience as a radiation worker prior to arrival at En
submitted a ‘‘preemployment’’ urine sample. This served as a basel

that any previous uptake would not be assessed as being of Ens

origin. All individuals who spent more than 30 days on radiolc
controlled islands submitted ‘‘postemployment’’ urine samples
departure from the atoll. All samples consisted of the individual’
urine output for a 24-hour period. Samples were shipped |
Occupational and Environmental Health Laboratory at Brooks
Texas, for analysis.

Overall, the radiation protection program at Enewetak achieved|

of maintaining personne! radiation exposures as low as reas
achievable. The results are highlighted below.
Throughout the project, exposures to gammaradiation were m
Of over 12,000 individual dosimetry records, only four exceedec

Select target paragraph3